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Got a new Solo Stove. I like it, wife loves it. Not exactly smoke free, but definitely 95% less smoke. No smoke billowing around and don’t smell like smoke afterwards.
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How do you think it compares to a gas fire pit?

When I build the patio at our new home, I'll likely get one or the other.

Finally built my lockable gates to close off my tractor and mowers storage under my deck.
The storage area is 12 by 14 feet so it has lots of room. And i used metal roofing on the underside pitched to let it drain to the left. It stays completely dry.
It took me a while to figure out how i wanted it.
Jeannine was tired of Willow getting under there. Now the whole underside of the deck is doggie proof. And now you cant really see the tractor anymore
Each door is 6 feet wide and over 6 feet tall.

Plus it always looked unfinished.
Just have to stain it
Jumping in to answer a couple questions, I have had a Solo Yukon ('old' 30" version, new one is 27") for about 1.5yrs. Expensive little fire pit, but man it kicks out a really cool flame. One thing I will say it it does eat wood, so make sure you have more on hand than you would expect so you don't run out!

I've heard they don't hear that well. Most heart goes straight up. What did you find? I've been wanting to buy one.
It doesn't radiate heat like other pits, but once you get it full and the flames rolling I feel it kicks out a good amount heat when sitting around it. Smaller fires in it don't get the surrounding as warm. You are right more heat goes up than with reg. pits based on the airflow design.

How do you think it compares to a gas fire pit?
Gas fire pits are def. easier to use, just turn it on and go... So if that's what you are after a wood pit is probably not the right choice. But if you want a wood fire it's hard to beat, almost no smoke after it get's lit, looks cool (the pit itself and the flames), very well made as I don't see ever needing to buy another fire pit.
Jumping in to answer a couple questions, I have had a Solo Yukon ('old' 30" version, new one is 27") for about 1.5yrs. Expensive little fire pit, but man it kicks out a really cool flame. One thing I will say it it does eat wood, so make sure you have more on hand than you would expect so you don't run out!
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It doesn't radiate heat like other pits, but once you get it full and the flames rolling I feel it kicks out a good amount heat when sitting around it. Smaller fires in it don't get the surrounding as warm. You are right more heat goes up than with reg. pits based on the airflow design.

Gas fire pits are def. easier to use, just turn it on and go... So if that's what you are after a wood pit is probably not the right choice. But if you want a wood fire it's hard to beat, almost no smoke after it get's lit, looks cool (the pit itself and the flames), very well made as I don't see ever needing to buy another fire pit.
How do you like the size? 27in doesn't seem very large in my head.

Neighbors have this setup and I think it's 32in across and is ~ the right size.

I've been considering building my own smokeless pit using a fire ring kit and some alternative construction techniques. However I think I want to put a deck in, instead of a gravel patio (my yard is far less level and I don't want to do the site work), so I'm looking into stainless pits instead.

This guy built a smokeless for his back yard gravel area if anyone is interested.
How do you like the size? 27in doesn't seem very large in my head.
I had the space to go big, so went with the bigger one and didn't even consider the smaller sizes (Bonfire/Ranger). I have not seen a 27" Yukon in person to compare but sure it would be fine, but thought it was strange that they made it smaller. Sounded like it was just to make shipping easier when they released the new version.
The smaller two aren't as deep (have friends that have each model), so you have to make sure your logs are not too long or they stick out the top. With the Yukon I haven't had that problem, don't think it would be an issue with the 27" either.
I've heard they don't hear that well. Most heart goes straight up. What did you find? I've been wanting to buy one.
I think that is accurate. I didn’t use it to its full capacity and only for a couple of hours, but the sides never got hot enough that I couldn’t touch it. It was a blast furnace overhead!

They tell you once the fire is going to fill it up with wood to below the vent holes on the top. That would’ve been at least 8 pieces of wood, I only had 4. The wood lasted much longer than in my old fire pit. Those 4 would’ve been gone in 2 hours, they lasted at least 3, if not 4.

Re log size, they tell you to use “chunks” of wood, not “logs”. I took the 14“ logs I bought and cut them in half.
I had the space to go big, so went with the bigger one and didn't even consider the smaller sizes (Bonfire/Ranger). I have not seen a 27" Yukon in person to compare but sure it would be fine, but thought it was strange that they made it smaller. Sounded like it was just to make shipping easier when they released the new version.
The smaller two aren't as deep (have friends that have each model), so you have to make sure your logs are not too long or they stick out the top. With the Yukon I haven't had that problem, don't think it would be an issue with the 27" either.
My target was 24”, so it took me a while to decide between the 19” and 27”. In the end price won out, but I also noticed that my current 30” fire pit always seemed to only have fire on one side, or otherwise underused it’s capacity. I agree with you on the log size. You’re gonna need logs 12” or smaller for the 19”, if that is a hassle, seriously consider the 27”.
How do you think it compares to a gas fire pit?

When I build the patio at our new home, I'll likely get one or the other.

I really smell the odorants with propane fire pits, otherwise I’d do it. My house is propane too, so I’d hard line it and not have to worry about tanks. My in-laws have one and use it in their three season room. Ain’t doing that with wood!
Sunset tonight.

I finished the legs for the bed filler cushion.



The Beauclip system female half on one side and felt pads on the other. They will snap into the male half mounted on the filler cushion.
Hidem gimp on order to cover the staples.



Happy with the result.


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Not what I saw but what Willow saw...me enjoying a completed project. Twin bed mode in the Beneteau. What a difference this will make for a nights sleep. All new cushions.

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Been doing lots of work travel over the last week, and had a chance to visit some of my old stomping grounds - here is the aerial view of "The Confluence" after departing out of Lambert/STL.

Gives me a bit of nostalgia...

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Making the best of the last month of the boating season on the Lake. We went to an empty beach today with a nice view of the Adirondacks.



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The sunset from the stern of the boat tonight.


The dogs approve of the new cushion setup.

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