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Dude on the right in bucket hat hit his first hole in one today. As is the tradition the open bar tab is on him. It’s currently at $1500!!! 9DF2D04D-769A-4077-8322-09152FF414F7.jpeg
We went fishing today, unfortunately my friend was not feeling too good as we rode through some rough stuff, he was just miserable.

I didn't realize how bad he was feeling, until we finally stopped...

My daughter is pretty evil..

We didn't fish for very long; my friend kept chumming the fish but they were not biting, lol.
Pulled a huge robin - they make funny noises, weird fish.

On the way back it was much nicer sea but I kept getting my friend soaking wet..

We are terrible people, what can I say... I don't know if he will ever visit us again, lol.

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We went fishing today, unfortunately my friend was not feeling too good as we rode through some rough stuff, he was just miserable.

I didn't realize how bad he was feeling, until we finally stopped...

My daughter is pretty evil..

We didn't fish for very long; my friend kept chumming the fish but they were not biting, lol.
Pulled a huge robin - they make funny noises, weird fish.

On the way back it was much nicer sea but I kept getting my friend soaking wet..

We are terrible people, what can I say... I don't know if we will ever visit us again, lol.

Seasick and chumming.. mmmm. Surprised he didn't tell you to "chum some of this sht"! ?

Jokes aside, would one of those Seakeeper 1's be a viable option on the boat? Not cheap, but I always wondered how those performed in real-world bluewater fishing scenarios..
Was another great day out on St Clair yesterday as we try to get in as many nice weather days as possible for the last month or so of our season in MI.

My daughter was "zen'ing out" on the bow after swimming in Fisher Bay. ☺
Stormy weather across the Lake in the Adirondacks. A cold front coming in.

I may have saved a fellow boater/sailor a couple thousand dollars today as high winds and thunder storms approached. We were about to leave the marina when I saw this furling genoa sail flogging in the wind. I went over to the boat and adjusted the furling line to pull the sail back in, just before the storms hit. The high winds may have shredded the sail.

The furling line runs along the Base of the stantions from the cockpit forward to the furler drum on the forestay.


This same thing happened to us last year and another sailor spotted it and pulled it in before any damage occured. I guess this incident was a form of pay back to the universe.
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Oasis of the Seas - supposedly the largest ship in the world (?) about to set sail to the Bahamas last weekend in the Cape Liberty terminal, Bayonne NJ-NYC.

looking at her up close - she IS LARGE, and kind of insane - at 1,200 ft long and 250 ft tall...

She dwarfs the giant 9/11 Teardrop Memorial at the Cape Liberty, which is about 100 feet tall with a 40 foot teardrop inside a "torn tower":

Here is the Memorial towering over the terminal, sans the ship:

Is this a hopeful sign of things getting back to normal? I certainly hope so!!!

Maybe it is just me and my dirty mind, but that tear drop memorial looks a bit like lady bits. no? Ok, I need to get some rest.
Maybe it is just me and my dirty mind, but that tear drop memorial looks a bit like lady bits. no? Ok, I need to get some rest.
It was literally Putin's gift...

So, you may not be far off, lol, wouldn't put anything past that twisted evil f@ck.

It was literally Putin's gift...

So, you may not be far off, lol, wouldn't put anything past that twisted evil f@ck.

Oh dude. Then it HAS to be. Upon closer inspection it can be either the lady bits, or also looks like those dangling scrotums that people put on their pickup hitch.
Oh dude. Then it HAS to be. Upon closer inspection it can be either the lady bits, or also looks like those dangling scrotums that people put on their pickup hitch.
That was what I thought but appears to be missing something???
Touchdown...I have seen this balloon around for a few years, first time this low.

My mid season cleanup / maintenance session. Then back in the lake, when I'm done. Will be few more days for pumps, o/f, and wax (rejex).

I spent hours on simple hull cleaning, she was so dirty... The interior was a breeze.


