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Show us what you see!!!

Well I am back on Assateaque with houling winds thunder and lightning so I went out and took some pictures. I know many will not believe this as we are so far north but I saw giant pythons climbing trees. I know I know but here are the photos [flag]


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I looked for my favorite slide for about a hour... before I finally spotted it.

What a SOB! lol

He is a senior citizen though, so I had to let him have it.

Better on his paw than in his mouth. How much rain did you get down there?
He does that, too. I gave up on retraining him long time ago. He is a sheepdog, they know best, lol.

We got a metric ton of water coming from the sky, quite impressive. There is a lot of flooding around these parts. Hope it will miss you guys.

It is not predicted to come this far North. A lot of farmers are making hay for the next couple of days, it better not rain.
We went to dinner on a friend's 53 year old catamaran that he is refitting tonight. We took the dinghy from the marina over to his anchorage about a half mile away.
Yes he has his Captain's license.


I knew we would be heading back to the marina after dark and the dinghy has no nav. lights on it, so I made a mount for the magnetic Navilight 360, I used on the Yamaha. It worked well. Edit: the original base for the light stayed on the tower tow point of the Yamaha.



The sky looking SW. No filter.
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We got a metric ton of water coming from the sky, quite impressive. There is a lot of flooding around these parts. Hope it will miss you guys.

our daughter also lives in Jersey She said her town had a lot of water rescues a foot of rain and one of her friends home exploded probably from a gas leak. Be safe
We got a metric ton of water coming from the sky, quite impressive. There is a lot of flooding around these parts. Hope it will miss you guys.

our daughter also lives in Jersey She said her town had a lot of water rescues a foot of rain and one of her friends home exploded probably from a gas leak. Be safe
Yeah, half of my team got flooded in and couldn't make it to work this morning, it's a disaster. We have been cleaning up since 5am, but we are lucky.

Trying to get to work, will need to find my waders to get out of the neighborhood, lol.

Yeah, half of my team got flooded in and couldn't make it to work this morning, it's a disaster. We have been cleaning up since 5am, but we are lucky.

Trying to get to work, will need to find my waders to get out of the neighborhood, lol.


You know...Pictures, or it did not happen. The waders, shirt and tie in use, LOL.
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our daughter also lives in Jersey She said her town had a lot of water rescues a foot of rain and one of her friends home exploded probably from a gas leak. Be safe
Yeah, half of my team got flooded in and couldn't make it to work this morning, it's a disaster. We have been cleaning up since 5am, but we are lucky.

Trying to get to work, will need to find my waders to get out of the neighborhood, lol.

One vote against wet slipping your boat. You wouldn't need the waders if you kept her at home!
Finishing the clean up.

We are using child labor, lol

Getting the pool back in shape had been a priority, it was a mess (after Ida remnants pretty much tried to swamp it) - thank you everyone who offered advice in the "Should I get a boat or a pool" thread, I think I used just about every bit of advice and every method and trick offered, lol.
It worked!

Kate has only one last week left of preparations for her Open Ocean Swim in RI.
She has been training at home for few months - swims on a tether, it's harder than hell, lol.

Chill Friday at home
