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It's a massacre! No idea what these guys were, but this happened over about a 15 minute timeframe

View attachment 161703
Holy sht! Need some custom tear-off films on your windshield like the riders have on their visors when they're racing dirt or through bugs at isle of man!
It's a massacre! No idea what these guys were, but this happened over about a 15 minute timeframe

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I bet it was a cloud of Florida's Love Bugs that flew up there on the winds of the tropical storm. They would die having sex all over the windshield. They are a mess to clean up after all that jism splatter.

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I bet it was a cloud of Florida's Love Bugs that flew up there on the winds of the tropical storm. They would die having sex all over the windshield. They are a mess to clean up after all that jism splatter.

I can't honestly say this for certain, but they all seemed to be single flyers, the parts that were left looked striped, like they were some smaller form of a bee, although the wings were a giveaway that those weren't bees.

The funniest thing like this that I ever had happen to me was when I was crossing over the Mississippi from Iowa back into Wisconsin. I was stopped at a light, and you could see a swarm of aphid-looking things (only much bigger). Light turned green, I take off, and at the same time, they all leap in the air, only to be splattered all over the windshield. For that one, I had to pull over to the side of the road almost instantly to do the best I could to clean the windshield off.

I cracked my wife up last weekend with the old joke (can't believe she hadn't heard it): What's the last thing to go through a bug's mind before it hits your windshield? His ass!
I bet it was a cloud of Florida's Love Bugs that flew up there on the winds of the tropical storm. They would die having sex all over the windshield. They are a mess to clean up after all that jism splatter.

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LOL....they swarm here in May/June. They leave a distinctive squarish bug gut mark.
Very hot and humid evening at the boat for the sunset and dinner from the food truck.


Scallop seviche, chicken tenders and truffle fries.

What kind of army are you feeding?
I am more intrigued with the pvc pipe condoms for the table legs....
1-1/4”x 14” pvc leg extensions. Gets the table up higher so I’m not bending over. My mind is still young but my back is not.
Feeling lucky to see these sunsets from my viewpoint with all that is going on in this World.

New 4 blade prop for the Parker. Works amazingly well, exceeded my expectations.


I lost a bunch of top speed, at least 5mph, but it makes zero difference offshore - can't go WOT other than back in the channel.


Now I can plow through 4-5fters at ~20mph and stay on plane, which is awesome.

My middle daughter is usually the only one who comes with me.
She loves sitting at the stern in a bean bag, the stern stays almost motionless even in big water, where the bow pounds.

Here, we were just coming out of the channel and started hitting big waves:

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Was on site at a wood pellet plant near Rockingham,NC managing a crew of 20 for two days. 12hr day and 15hr day in the heat to repair (6) vibrating prescreeners.

Anywho, this is how they unload the trucks into the plant. Never seen such a thing! Literally just pick the whole damn thing up and tilt it back. Really amazing piece of equipment!


The sign's and the lamp are cool, but what's up with the snow shovel, out for public viewing, in August. Other than that...I have not seen a grab handle like that on any broom used for transportation so the only other thing that comes to mind is a tater fork. ;)
Went to the beach to watch the sunrise this morning. Hurricane Ida is out there somewhere.


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The sign's and the lamp are cool, but what's up with the snow shovel, out for public viewing, in August. Other than that...I have not seen a grab handle like that on any broom used for transportation so the only other thing that comes to mind is a tater fork. ;)

They were out drinking, so I couldn't verify, but maybe a coal/mucking shovel.

We're all about "ergonomics" in WI, you wouldn't want to strain your beer elbow!