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Congrats on 30 years!!! That great.

We celebrated our 31st anniversary last night. Went to a rooftop spinning restaurant called Spinners. Great time and good food. Views are great.
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I've been there for a few parties in my highschool/college days. Forgot about that hotel lol.
I've been there for a few parties in my highschool/college days. Forgot about that hotel lol.
We had family down back in February and tried to go there. We couldn't due to it being "totally renovated". Well, I did notice new floor tile and fresh paint but still looks like it always did and what you remember; just re-freshed. Still a great place to go, the view are incredible. We were there for 2-1/2 hours or 2-1/2 complete 360° turns. Oh, watching the thunder boomers with lightning was spectacular.
We had family down back in February and tried to go there. We couldn't due to it being "totally renovated". Well, I did notice new floor tile and fresh paint but still looks like it always did and what you remember; just re-freshed. Still a great place to go, the view are incredible. We were there for 2-1/2 hours or 2-1/2 complete 360° turns. Oh, watching the thunder boomers with lightning was spectacular.

That storm was nasty yesterday. Got the ramp before it hit. It hit as I was loading the boat.... when I put the tow straps on it reminded me of fixing my parents fence in during Hurricane Charlie.
New TV came in a day early so I rushed after work to pick it up.

This thing is freakin unreal! The images from my phone don’t do it justice at all. 77” OLED is on a whole different level than anything I’m used to lol.

My wife is trying out a few Ebikes today.



She came back after a ride on this one with a big smile and bought it.


A couple of pics she sent to me during the trial. The marina in the background.


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Last night I was searching and watching all sorts of amazing 4K media. Here is some 4K footage from my iPhone trying to capture the details and colors of the new 4K TV. Doesn’t do it justice but even with the iPhone camera you can see this thing has great PQ!

What do I see? A freakin miracle. I have been trying to locate wear rings for my boat 2 months and everyplace I contacted said they were on backorder. Well, persistence pays dividends. Even though this company has terrible customer service, they delivered! I'll be putting the pumps together tomorrow. Bon Voyage!


  • Wear Rings.jpg
    Wear Rings.jpg
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The Lake Champlain poker run is happening tomorrow. A lot of the boats are slipped at our marina. Here are some pics. of some fast boats.









How much are those boats worth? 1 million or so?

IDK, the Mercedes Benz cat is for sale. You could be the next owner...But as they say " If you have to ask the price, you can't afford it." 193 mph is fast.
How much are those boats worth? 1 million or so?
My guess is 3 mil. They probably have 1 mil in the trailer, tow rig, tools and spare parts.
Wow! You'd all be wrong, lol. As was I. It's selling/asking for $495,000. And, the trailer is included. Click here.

Anybody want to pitch in?!?!

The first of two weddings I'm hosting, this one, they already are married, this is the celebration shindig, so WAY more casual and "granola" than the one coming up next month






She helped me get the door panel back on so know it's her first chance behind the wheel of the big truck, kept it between lines very well and didn't cut any corners to short
The view from the kayak today at North Beach.

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