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Calm before the storm - Sat afternoon East of Sandy Hook.

Got a bit rough later on.

But, we are eating well!
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Additional info on the Lake Champlain poker run 2021.

Some pretty cool video of them rolling out of the harbor and the race/run.

And of course a Yamaha would be in the middle of it. Alright...who is holding out on us. lol


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The dog days of Summer have ended...tell him that, he does not pay any attention to the calender.

I bought a pool like that for the wife and dog a few years ago. Neither one uses it. I guess I shouldn’t have said it was for both of them.

The dog days of Summer have ended...tell him that, he does not pay any attention to the calender.

View attachment 161599
Irony: the impeller was $250ish off the shelf, closer to $400 after custom pitching, shipping and handling, but the wrench (actually a socket) is free.
View attachment 161635
Well, that's actually a bargain compared to prop prices! lol. Crazy, just got this new wheel after months of waiting, and for about double the price.

It doesn't fit my jet boat pump, but I couldn't be happier.
This should help my F300 on some rougher offshore days.

I must say though, as much as I love the new Parker, and it's ocean going capabilities, riding the AR240 is just pure pleasure by comparison. Everytime we go to the lake, I just smile, love riding the YJB, I can do it all day long and not get enough. It's like riding a go-kart vs a U-haul truck, lol.

Irony: the impeller was $250ish off the shelf, closer to $400 after custom pitching, shipping and handling, but the wrench (actually a socket) is free.

Well, that's actually a bargain compared to prop prices! lol. Crazy, just got this new wheel after months of waiting, and for about double the price.

It doesn't fit my jet boat pump, but I couldn't be happier.
This should help my F300 on some rougher offshore days.
View attachment 161641

I must say though, as much as I love the new Parker, and it's ocean going capabilities, riding the AR240 is just pure pleasure by comparison. Everytime we go to the lake, I just smile, love riding the YJB, I can do it all day long and not get enough. It's like riding a go-kart vs a U-haul truck, lol.


Nice S.S. impeller and very nice S.S. 4 blade prop. I know it is not a competition on spending $$$, but we would have gladly paid both of those "bargain prices" together as compared to a PYI Max Prop bronze feathering prop with adjustable pitch and rotation.




What some people will do to sail faster by just 1kt. is not cheap. That's Crazy, lol.

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@zipper , holy S! $3k +, did you at least get a free wrench with the prop or was it a no lube deal?

i remember seeing a story on the Gieco hydroplane boat, when the tech came out to install the props and he stated that each were $15k.

If this was a spending competition I would proudly say I’m in last place.
@zipper , holy S! $3k +, did you at least get a free wrench with the prop or was it a no lube deal?

i remember seeing a story on the Gieco hydroplane boat, when the tech came out to install the props and he stated that each were $15k.

If this was a spending competition I would proudly say I’m in last place.

Yes, the prop. came with it's own tool kit for changing the pitch and rotation as well as a grease gun. We ordered a LH rotation prop. and was sent a RH rotation prop. I had to dig into the prop and change it on day two after the install. The boat went aft when I throttled forward, had to do another short haul to fix it. It was easy, but still a PITA. I was not happy that day.
Yes, the prop. came with it's own tool kit for changing the pitch and rotation as well as a grease gun. We ordered a LH rotation prop. and was sent a RH rotation prop. I had to dig into the prop and change it on day two after the install. The boat went aft when I throttled forward, had to do another short haul to fix it. It was easy, but still a PITA. I was not happy that day.
Well for only three grand what did you expect!