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We pulled the yamaha out of the lake today for her bi-monthly service and cleaning.

With my luck, whenever I tow these days - I go prepared.
So, I think of everything I may need, and then double up, lol, it's like a gypsy wagon.

Today, it all went without a hitch.

We had some fun on the lake, visited with some new CG Auxiliary friends.
As it is starting to cool off, we will be able to actually do some water sport, and wake surf. The lake has been just too busy.


Yamaha is back home, will need some attention.

"New Jersey Special"...

Dude was doing ~90mph, lol
We pulled the yamaha out of the lake today for her bi-monthly service and cleaning.

With my luck, whenever I tow these days - I go prepared.
So, I think of everything I may need, and then double up, lol, it's like a gypsy wagon.
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Today, it all went without a hitch.

We had some fun on the lake, visited with some new CG Auxiliary friends.
As it is starting to cool off, we will be able to actually do some water sport, and wake surf. The lake has been just too busy.
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Yamaha is back home, will need some attention.
View attachment 161981

Our favorite time to boat is September..the water is warm and everyone is back to school :winkingthumbsup"
The dogs waiting for me to finish "horse chores" this morning. They want to play!

I almost bought these from SCAL on impulse with the intent to flip them quickly. The deal was legit, $4k for two skis and the trailer. I’m sure I could sell them “as is” here in NCAL for $7k, more if I put a little TLC into them. Unfortunately the timing wasn’t right and I had my doubts about to towing the rusty trailer home 500 miles fully loaded.
My wife and I just dropped our only child off at college. Due to Covid restrictions this is the only time we will be allowed to step into his dorm. He is as happy as he could be to finally move away for school. My wife is very emotional and I feel like I’ve lost a body part. Still, we couldn’t be prouder of him.

My advice to all parents, don’t blink,18 years goes by faster than you think it will.

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Our river is expected to see heavy flooding from Ida, so we decided not to chance it so we pulled the SeaDoos out. This is what happens when you only have a single trailer and don't want to make 2 trips. Lucky these only weigh 400lbs because it was only me and my daughter pulling them out. Getting the SeaDoo in the bed of my truck took some ingenuity.


We also saw the owners of the largest boat in our marina just finishing up moving their boat from the outer fingers closer to shore. I wish I would have seen them maneuvering it into this spot.

Sent it down this drop. Fun times.

And dove is about to


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Spent the night on the boat with the dogs. We started watching "Killing Eve" on the TV and felt squished by the dog sleeping at my feet. Hoping she moves to the V berth.


We were trying out the new seat cushions with new foam that Willow made, the back cushions are original. The back cushions are being redesigned as one long upholstered cushion that will double as a filler cushion between the seat cushions and the table. All the different pillows she made are very comfy

