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Got a slip and a room for the night at the golden nugget here in atlantic city. Took an evening cruise out in the ocean just off the coast. Ocean was like glass. Never seen it that calm. Ran the boat at one point flat out.

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Date night! while the kids are off site w/ their football team marching band, we have like three hours.

This place is the bomb, it's one of the best seafood bistros I know of, anywhere.
And it tiny.

They never disappoint.


I got the longest camp site in the Midwest I think! Or the longest campsite driveway, whichever.
Jellystone park Keystone lake, OK.
42’ camper, AR230, wife’s Tahoe, my truck and I could have parked another normal sedan in front of my truck without it sticking into the road!
Maintaining a head with a black water holding tank can be a pissy job. Emergency only for #2. I noticed a leak from the tank when I opened the raw water intake valve for the engine. A small pool of foul water in the engine bay. There was not much in there but we got a pumpout anyway. I went down under the starboard cockpit seating and disconnected the 35 gal. tank and brought it home for inspection. I did not want to do it on the dock. We ordered a new replacement tank, same size, same maker. I unscrewed the 1 1/2" elbow and found the tank FPT fitting was cracked. I could not find it while on the boat. We will have a new head system shortly between the replacement of the Jabsco with a Raritan toilet and a new tank and crib to set the tank on. One of the previous owners built the crib using unsealed SPF wood not PT. Making a new one and epoxying this one to the hull.

Warning: Pictures not suitable for a weak stomach.


It's a nasty looking assembly of wood.


No tow truck so flying otter winery
Morning wood stacking, love it when the wife puts it inside, lol.





And then a little afternoon delight as she cleans the boat.


I could watch her work all day.
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Having my dilapidated fence replaced and decided for an aluminum fence in the rear so we can see through to the rest of the property all the way to the creek. The front and the side is still 6 foot stockade with a 52 inch man gate on one side and a 10 foot vehicle gate on the boat side.
Went from this

To this
And finally got my new zero turn today. Sold my old beat up 42 inch troybilt to my neighbor for 300 bucks. I was tired to spending 2 hours some times twice a week on a mower. Got a husqvarna z248f i should cut that time in half once i get used to it.
I have aprox 1 acre of grass to cut
takes a while to fill up, 150gal tank.

Cloud formations over the Lake last night just after the sunset, from the house. Wind had been 25kts sustained from the South at the boat today.

My daughter took me to the Maryland Fair last night to see Blue Oyster Cult, and got us 7th row seats. We had a fun time even in the light rain:


Our first concert together since Covid. Right before covid, we tried to go to a concert every year. Previous years included Black Sabbath, Def Leppard, and Iron Maiden twice.
