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Best part of fall boating empty lake and empty ramps...Keuka State Park

Touchdown...I have seen this balloon around for a few years, first time this low.

View attachment 163018

@John McLaughlin The balloon is an advertisement for The Essex culinary resort.
Out on the Lake today.


What's the story with the last photo, with the disconnected hose and the shredded oil filter? :confused:


What's the story with the last photo, with the disconnected hose and the shredded oil filter? :confused:

Lol, my filter wrench and channel locks were no match for the gorilla at Yamaha who installed the filter. I pulled the hose for access. Now I’m drinking beer and giving it the stink eye while the penetrating oil takes a turn
I’ve seen guys drive a long screw driver or rat tail file through them then twist them off.
That might be coming up, BigN8. Judging by the cheap wall of this filter, I’ll likely rip it in half before it breaks free. I’m trying the paracord trick next
After destroying a filter with wrench, pliers and a screwdriver I’ve had to take a hammer & chisel to the base of the filter head before to break it free. Just be sure not to hit the block if you do this
I’ve seen guys drive a long screw driver or rat tail file through them then twist them off.

Done this. Used a big long phillips head.
Finally got to see a peach blossom freshwater jellyfish today! I had just anchored in a sweet cove I found and relaxing on the swim deck when I spotted a few flow past me. Grabbed the GoPro and tried to capture these little guys. Pretty cool!

Finally got to see a peach blossom freshwater jellyfish today! I had just anchored in a sweet cove I found and relaxing on the swim deck when I spotted a few flow past me. Grabbed the GoPro and tried to capture these little guys. Pretty cool!

That’s amazing! Great job capturing video of them. I’ve never heard of a fresh water jellyfish.
That yammie hump tho

Great sailing conditions yesterday, winds 10-12 with gusts to 15kts from the South. We went over to New York again to the mouth of Willsboro Bay, aka Indian Bay on a three hour tour.


The mouth of Indian Bay


It was fun for both of us as I played with the sail set to keep our heel below 10°. We sailed alot of the time with just the mainsail. The Rail meat, aka wife, approved as she could dip her toes over the side into the spray.
Yes, rail meat is a sailing term...




We made pretty good time when we unfurled the genoa with 2 reefs in it. Just under 7kts. Which is pretty good since the main was not trimmed for speed but trimmed to sail flatter. Seen in the video below.


A great day on the boat!

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Trying something different for hanging fenders. Nylon strapping with plastic quick clips. Easy to hang, adjust to different situations and remove. So far so good with launching today. We’ll see how they work the rest of the season.