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Ultimate Custom Gantlin Transom/Swim Deck Ballast Bag Setup (?)

The team effort here (jetboaters) has been remarkable and as far as I'm concerned it's starting to bear fruit.
Come to think of it, between @J-RAD, @jcyamaharider, @Ridesteady, @Mainah et al. they are helping Mother Yamaha turn these jet boats into surf machines, lol.

Ultimately, as any dedicated wake boat owner will attest, it's the ease of using a particular surf setup that dictates utility and frequency of surf sessions.

For me, at least with this particular boat, the last remaining part of the setup is semi-automation with timers tuned to operate the pumps - from the helm - to not need to run back and forth to swim deck or check inside the ski locker. I would also like to have the transom bag mounted with some kind of place holders or clips.
(yes, a captain running around the deck "like a chicken with its head chopped off" can feel awkward, especially with a boat full of people and if they're new to boating/water sports)

I'm not sure I deserve any innovation award, but I'm happy to be included and experimenting with the rest of y'all.

I did just place an order with wakemakers to help aid me in using my existing system to add another pump and accessory hose to my transom bag.

I'll be using my the pump that's typically dedicated to my less used starboard side pump and add an accessory line utilizing the Bosworth SeaLect Direction Y valve from WakeMakers.

We'll see how it shapes up in about a week.
Well isn't that an interesting idea. So now I'm thinking a bit crazy. I already have a dedicated auxiliary pump and line for the transom bag. All my lines are 1", and my pumps are ballast king. The ballast king is spec'd at 11gpm. According to the interwebs, 1" hose can flow from 23 to 37 gpm, or even higher under more pressure. Sooooo what if I tied my starboard pump into the auxiliary line? Two ballast Kings on the same hose? I doubt it would double the fill rate, but it would have to increase it significantly wouldn't it? Someone tell me the obvious reason I'm missing as to why I shouldn't try this... Quickly.
Well isn't that an interesting idea. So now I'm thinking a bit crazy. I already have a dedicated auxiliary pump and line for the transom bag. All my lines are 1", and my pumps are ballast king. The ballast king is spec'd at 11gpm. According to the interwebs, 1" hose can flow from 23 to 37 gpm, or even higher under more pressure. Sooooo what if I tied my starboard pump into the auxiliary line? Two ballast Kings on the same hose? I doubt it would double the fill rate, but it would have to increase it significantly wouldn't it? Someone tell me the obvious reason I'm missing as to why I shouldn't try this... Quickly.
Worth trying! I think. One issue could be as pressure builds up a weaker pump could be overpowered? The reversibles have impellers that act as valves but the aerator styles do not, so that could be a fun thing to watch...?

They would both be the same pump, Jabsco Ballast King (reversible), so I don't really think you could hurt anything. I think worst case scenario it just wouldn't result in any improvement.
They would both be the same pump, Jabsco Ballast King (reversible), so I don't really think you could hurt anything. I think worst case scenario it just wouldn't result in any improvement.
Oh that would certainly work, you would get more pressure and those don’t reverse under pressure.
Also important to keep the engines running to prevent too much of a voltage drop, it really slows them down, they are power hogs.

And - I’m sure you know, but start them in a sequence to prevent blowing fuses if all were turned on at once, I think they can draw a spike of amps on startup.

I wanted Jerry to try putting a Y to have 2 hoses from that connection he did to see if we gain anything . . . . maybe bigger pump ? LOL

Just haven't found the time . . . . .

Parts on the way! I ordered a 1" y fitting and the same valve @J-RAD linked above. I'll use the valve to direct the starboard side pump either into the starboard bag, or into the y fitting and out the aux fill port, in combination with the aux pump. I also ordered a 1" flo-rite thru hull that I'm going to install into the bag itself. I don't know if this will all work or not, but I think it will, and it should be a fun project.
I also ordered a 1" flo-rite thru hull that I'm going to install into the bag itself.
You have my full attention!! lol

I'm waiting for you one of you guys to come up with a pump adapter to work off your jet pump. Talk about having a big pump!! ;D
I'm waiting for you one of you guys to come up with a pump adapter to work off your jet pump. Talk about having a big pump!! ;D
That’s been done, the squirt gun. I’m not sure who to credit, @Julian and @Speedling would know.

I knew the squirt gun was done but wasn't sure if anyone tried ballast filling.
(EDIT: Also check post #7 below for further improvements/intake port upgrade)

Three (3) is better than one (1), right?

To fill the large custom Transom Bag (TB) faster (FatSac with small 3/4" diameter ports) - in order to match fast filling times of Center Locker (CL) bag (w/1" ports).

Re-route/cannibalize integrated ballast plumbing to fill TB through three (3) ports using three (3) reversible pumps / three (3) intakes, leaving CL plumbed as is (w/one dedicated pump/intake)

My Center Locker (CL) and Rear Locker (RL) bags are all SUMO w/1" ports and those fill fast.
The FatSac Transom Bag (TB) is great but for it's large size (~900lbs) its 3/4" diameter ports are just not ideal.
We currently typically only fill TB and CL for our wake surfing sessions, so the two RL bags do not get much use.
Our custom WakeMaker system operates with 4 independent reversible pumps drawing form 4 independent intakes.
Pumps are installed in wet storage lockers int eh transom, and serve also as valves; since there are no other valves/splitters etc., the RL and CL bags fill fast (1" diameter throughput except the pump itself) but the TL bag lags behind (a lot).

Here is the reworked TB fill system:
(green arrow points the original fill/drain port, the red arrows are the additional ports - 3 pumps/intake filling one bag! The forth port is an Air Vent)
View attachment 102176

Center Locker (CL) - no changes:
View attachment 102187

For the record - here are the intakes (over the Articulating Keel - rudder) - one each to CL, RLs, and one AUX (auxiliary - to TB):
View attachment 102180

View attachment 102181

And pumps (in wet storage compartments, two on each side - not yet fully installed/wired in the pic)
View attachment 102182

TB is stored in the PORT side wet locker:
View attachment 102192

Additional plumbing lines are int eh STRBD locker:
View attachment 102194

Pull those out and set the bag/plumbing lines for fill-up, less than a minute:
View attachment 102197

View attachment 102198

Start filling the TB and the CL bags (engines ON in "No Wake 3" ~2,000 RPM to keep the voltage up at ~14v):
View attachment 102201

CL is now slower than TB!!
(about 1/2 full)
View attachment 102202

The TB is full!
View attachment 102204

We are done setting up to surf in UNDER 5MIN!!!
View attachment 102206

View attachment 102207

Who needs RAMFILL??!! lol

To drain, I just disconnect the two bottom Quick Connect ports of the TB and let it run, use CL pump to drain - all while heading back to the docks.

Hi, I love your setup. Do you have list of materials for pumps etc.? I want to replicate your setup for my ‘15 AR240 I’ll get a transom fatsac and CL ballast. Pretty nervous about this project, but I’m ready. I made a wake booster last summer, but now I need to add more ballast to go ropeless. Cutting into boat also looks intimidating and want to do it right. Any resources would be awesome. Thanks for your help.