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He is getting some!
He is getting some!
Starting tomorrow around 9am and lasting for 12hrs. Hopefully it snows, I don’t need freezing rain taking out power lines. I’ll have to go into work if that happens and I dont have a problem driving in snow or ice but I don’t want to be out there with all of the others who’ve never drove in it.
I'll take the subzero windchill, if it gives me opportunities to see the eagles like this. Sorry for the pile of pics, but it was two very cool activities to capture. First some four year olds playing tag, practicing their close-combat skills.



@Babin Farms you sure you don't want some of this?!? Have plenty to spare!

Took 2.5hrs to get home during a lake effect event. This is dumb!View attachment 230666
I’m assuming your Rivian is handling those driving conditions with aplomb? I’d think the dc motors and traction control on all four wheels would ne about the best you could hope for in a vehicle.
How far is your commute?
I’m getting the liquid bit myself. Looks like a heat wave coming Sunday.
I moved down here to get away from it. Guess I should’ve kept going farther south

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If my rain was accumulating, my yard would look like @2kwik4u yard. Not sure the locals would know how to handle it, then again, It would give my wife even more reasons to have me drive her around and we both grew up in NE Ohio 🙄🙄
I moved down here to get away from it. Guess I should’ve kept going farther south

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Getting some of that crappy white stuff here now, been here 9 years, this is only the second time since i have been here that it has accumulated. It just shuts everything down completely cause there isn't anything for snow removal. I have a few snow shovels in the attic, might have to get them. Put the tractor in the shop just in case.
2 snowstorms in 9 years i can deal with. Grandkiddies are loving it
No use in shoveling it when it’ll be gone in a day or two.
Just my $.02
Temps are not warming up here till next week, so no need to slip and slide on the driveway, and i have an Amazon problem.....(seeking help for it)
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