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2017 242X Stereo upgrade

Whats the big deal with vibrations??
What am I missing, mine sounds AWESOME with no insulation to minimize vibrations?
Got the other sub and A-link today!


@jcyamaharider , I'm admittedly late to the party, but was your replacement sub on the port side installed with ease? I was under the impression the JL was much deeper than the Db, that came with the boat, and would not fit.
@jcyamaharider , I'm admittedly late to the party, but was your replacement sub on the port side installed with ease? I was under the impression the JL was much deeper than the Db, that came with the boat, and would not fit.

Yep sit right in. It is a lot closer then the Polk sub but it didn't hit the hull.
Old sleeping pads, old life jackets, old pool noodles and remnant pipe insulating sleves, and furniture packing material.

Lots of stuff that will work and does not have to look pretty.
Hahaha nice nice. Old things around the house huh.
Ok all. I feel much better. Finally got to hit the water yesterday. Thank God! I thought I was going mad!
Old sleeping pads, old life jackets, old pool noodles and remnant pipe insulating sleves, and furniture packing material.

Lots of stuff that will work and does not have to look pretty.
Whatever it is make it is water proof so it doesn’t get mold/mildew.
Installed the other sub, tuned the amp man @Rod5 wasn't kidding about feeling like it doubled the bass!!

Pics to come.
Ok Got to retract that statement now, with the 2 subs hooked up and more power on a really good bass song you hear it hit the hull now. I am going to cut another ring for the other side.
Ring cut but have to pick up stainless hardware for the other sub to remount. Here is the second sub added.


Got to mess around with the A-link also. Very cool device, I hooked up the boat and a portable stereo just to see if it worked.
I will be pulling the boat out of the shelter this week so look for a sound clip coming soon!
Ring cut but have to pick up stainless hardware for the other sub to remount. Here is the second sub added.

View attachment 70279

Got to mess around with the A-link also. Very cool device, I hooked up the boat and a portable stereo just to see if it worked.

So now you have 2 subs total? And you have them mounted across from each other?
I have seen so many pictures, I lost track of who’s boat has what...lol
Guess that’s what happens when one doesn’t visit the site daily...
Looking forward to seeing pictures of your complete set up.
Yep, 2 10IB5 mounted across from each other, 6 mx650, 1 Wet sounds core 10 sound bar, 2 REv10's ( which I haven't even had on the boat this year yet to see how loud those are ). Amps are 2 polk 4000.4 , Wet Sounds Syn-Dx-4 , and a Jl M600/1. Wetsounds 420 and Wetsounds A-Link. Boat sounds REALLY good with everything properly tuned. I have watched a ton of amp dyno videos and all of these amps put out more ( 14.4 VDC ) then speced for. I am 110% happy with how it turned out.
Yep, 2 10IB5 mounted across from each other, 6 mx650, 1 Wet sounds core 10 sound bar, 2 REv10's ( which I haven't even had on the boat this year yet to see how loud those are ). Amps are 2 polk 4000.4 , Wet Sounds Syn-Dx-4 , and a Jl M600/1. Wetsounds 420 and Wetsounds A-Link. Boat sounds REALLY good with everything properly tuned. I have watched a ton of amp dyno videos and all of these amps put out more ( 14.4 VDC ) then speced for. I am 110% happy with how it turned out.
Congrats on the setup!. You rocking now!
Yep, 2 10IB5 mounted across from each other, 6 mx650, 1 Wet sounds core 10 sound bar, 2 REv10's ( which I haven't even had on the boat this year yet to see how loud those are ). Amps are 2 polk 4000.4 , Wet Sounds Syn-Dx-4 , and a Jl M600/1. Wetsounds 420 and Wetsounds A-Link. Boat sounds REALLY good with everything properly tuned. I have watched a ton of amp dyno videos and all of these amps put out more ( 14.4 VDC ) then speced for. I am 110% happy with how it turned out.

2 Months later. . . . . .still waiting. . . . . .lol
Hey @jcyamaharider, did you cut a hole in the fiberglass to mount the 420SQ?

And did you keep the sub controller even after changing subs? Thx
Or anybody else, suggestions for the best way to mount the WS 420. Thx