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2019 Release coming soon!

I have my favorite boat now. I have no interest in it, but the SS is overdue for a refresh. I think a twin supercharged is not out of the question. It’s not needed, but who ever said need,has ever been a reason
@ACRDSPORT14 usually posts data yamaha submits in CA, no 195 there.

The supercharged engine is available in jetskis in california
I would personally love to see a 16’. Think I would be load of fun and a market Yamaha has not exploited.
I would personally love to see a 16’. Think I would be load of fun and a market Yamaha has not exploited.

The entry level boats were a hot topic back when the 190 series came about. Obviously there was very little interest on this board as most already owned 21, 23 and 24 models. Those that owned the LS and Exciters were interested for sure, as well as those that were looking to step into a boat from the Waverunner world.

It was discussed why Yamaha would release a 19' single engine boat, and I thought it was obvious, as an entry. And obviously after the few years, they have brought many new folks to the Yamaha boating world and this family here.

I agree that a single/dual engine 16' boat has a market. We saw how the SeaDoo Speedster line did well. Not well enough for BRP to keep them around. So there may be much more to that story. It would be interesting to see the Scarab 165 numbers. It's tough to justify tooling up a new line if the market is way too competitive.

At this time, Yamaha is having little trouble moving the boats they currently have in production. They have limited their engine production to a couple models, and limited their hull designs. This is good business.

I am a very avid Yamaha fan across multiple product lines. And this is a strong business case for Yamaha across the market. They are only designing new and building engines that they can use in more than one product line, or outsource to other OEM's. They are also cutting back on lines that are too competitive and turning them into more of a boutique product or outsourcing it completely.

Snowmobiles are the primary example of this study. What they no longer wanted to import from Japan, they shifted to Arctic Cat/Textron and acted as an engine supplier. They are building around an engine that was originally used in their SXS market. They also OEM this engine to Textron in their Sleds and SXS. They announced that they would limit their own production of fully Yamaha sleds to spring orders only. And we are assuming these will be high quality, high performance and probably high priced boutique sleds that will be in very limited supply. This way, they can concentrate on quality and margins to stay profitable.

They are in a good place with boats. So don't expect them to stray too far on a totally new platform, unless the plan would be to use it across the entire line. Check out the FSH for example. I could be wrong, but I believe the bottom half of the hull follows current design in the runabout of the same size? And obviously the same engines.

As I mentioned, a 212SS with SVHO engines. Maybe a 195SS? But a 165 SVHO Pocket Rocket may trip some triggers. I don't feel the price range of the 190 series is entry level in my book. But with used ones dropping below $20K, they are attracting new boaters.
My money is on an updated 19' hull/interior shell since it is the oldest in the lineup and both the 212 and 242 have had recent updates. I'm guessing they'll keep the same HO and SVHO engine options though. Twin TR-1's would be interesting in a 19' boat, but it would probably take up more space than it's worth and probably not do much better than the single SVHO. Would they do anything different with the 190 FSH hull though? Hmm...
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A quicker context that works all the time will be even nicer
I seen a little blurp on facebook with the editors....." and he did surf"........ so we will see.
I would think that they will eventually release a boat with the Svho engine. 242ss or something like that.
I seen a little blurp on facebook with the editors....." and he did surf"........ so we will see.
Maybe that means a surfable 19' from the factory .... AR195X?
Maybe......??? Only time will tell.
I'm not sure we will ever see a surfable Yamaha from the factory - by surfable, I mean a BIG WAVE that anyone could surf. When I've gone to our local in water boat shows where Malibu, Centurion, Wakesetter etc are showing off their boats I was very suprised to see them all talking about "Stock" ballast, and then add on ballast. I couldn't get any of them to admit it, but I think they have a stock limit they can put into the boats based on their weight carrying limit. The "addon" ballast takes the boats over their legal limit. When I pressed the sales guy about this, he clearly got annoyed! He said stock ballast is X pounds and you can add Y pounds after that. When I said, does Y pounds come off the official boats capacity- meaning if this boat can carry 10 people and 2000 pounds, and you add 2000 pounds of extra ballast you are now officially out of room for people, he looked at me and smiled. Clearly the answer was yes....you'd be overweight....but everyone does it!

You'd have to dramatically change the rear swim deck layout to raise it up in order to accomodate much larger ballast bags bags if we were to get a super surf boat without bags exposed. Not out of the question, but just not sure Yamaha would do that. They might be better served making a foil on the transom to pull the stern down and license the wake wedge to drive the jet wash down....

As for the 2019 boat line up....looks like new colors and perhaps some minor tech changes...but time will tell.
I think they will start giving accessory options of odds and ends. I highly doubt they have missed the fact that 98% of yamaha boats get customized/modified.
I think they will start giving accessory options of odds and ends. I highly doubt they have missed the fact that 98% of yamaha boats get customized/modified.

We probably won't see the AR272XSS released in August rumor is that will come in February at the MIB. It will likely look similar to the 240 series boats with a tower similar to the E series but the tower probably will have a hard top instead of a canvas one and will probably come with twin SHO engines. I mean these are all pure guess not like anyone has seen it yet :cool::cool::cool:.