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Anything wrong with...<pulling from side of tower>

I'll be trying the this in the spring if I can get my daughter out there! Having the rope on the side I think will help her get up below the wave....we'll see!
@ttzz I love your idea of the Airhead tube quick connect. We are going to try that next spring.
No concerns with the force of the pull not being distributed across both sides of the boat? I’m a pretty big guy. lol

I do have an older style aftermarket tower with 4 attachment points rather than just the 2 sides of the forward swept towers. Does that likely make it more or less stable?

Would you go to the side and still pretty high? Or, go lower toward the base? I’m just picturing the whole tower twisting on me.

My daughter finally got the hang of it this fall, but I think this would have helped her tremendously.
Keep it high on the tower rather than low @BigAbe75. Easier to get a surfer up that way.
No concerns with the force of the pull not being distributed across both sides of the boat? I’m a pretty big guy. lol

I do have an older style aftermarket tower with 4 attachment points rather than just the 2 sides of the forward swept towers. Does that likely make it more or less stable?

Would you go to the side and still pretty high? Or, go lower toward the base? I’m just picturing the whole tower twisting on me.

My daughter finally got the hang of it this fall, but I think this would have helped her tremendously.
I would have zero concern with the new forward swept towers, those are just completely overbuilt for strength for towing skies/boarders and very very stiff/rigid (good) with virtually no flex or wobble.

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