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AR195 Build Mods

GatorStep Marine Non-Skid Flooring
  1. Cost $654.06
  2. Website: https://gatorstep.com/
  3. Reasoning: Gatorstep is a locally owned company and have seen several high-end wake surfing boats outfitted. They were great to work with! You go to the website and find a local dealer and schedule a time to bring your boat in. They will make a custom template and provide you with different options. For example, if you only want the flooring and/or bow.
$650 for the whole set? That's like 1\2 sea deck
Hello sir,

Which Riva intake upgrade kit did you do? I have a 2022 AR195 and was wondering if I should get the 2018+ one
Great thread - how is the wrap holding up? And did the cone help with cavitation significantly?
I know bringing up an old thread is a no-no, but I get my new 2024 AR195 next week and I'm wondering what upgrades are worth it?
I know bringing up an old thread is a no-no, but I get my new 2024 AR195 next week and I'm wondering what upgrades are worth it?
Neccessary IMO:
Amp for cabin speakers
Tower speakers & amp
Bow roller for trailer
2nd battery
If you want to surf - transom fat sack 650
* IMO the steering fins are not needed, just learn your boat and how to utilize thrust
Neccessary IMO:
Amp for cabin speakers
Tower speakers & amp
Bow roller for trailer
2nd battery
If you want to surf - transom fat sack 650
* IMO the steering fins are not needed, just learn your boat and how to utilize thrust
The stereo is first on my list...I'm looking at a complete swap. A second battery is on my mind as well, there seem to be a few different ways to do it. I really appreciate the advice on the steering fins...so many conflicting opinions but I want to learn the boat first and go from there.
The stereo is first on my list...I'm looking at a complete swap. A second battery is on my mind as well, there seem to be a few different ways to do it. I really appreciate the advice on the steering fins...so many conflicting opinions but I want to learn the boat first and go from there.
Yea - I (because of the hype) added fins after 2 years owning a 195, honestly felt they were a total waste of money on the models with the stock rudder.

Search my and others threads on the blue seas mini add a battery kit.

Also - I have a kicker amp KXMA 400.2 which was perfect for 4 cabin speakers or 2-4 towers. I sold the boat kept the amp if your interested.
If you want the most out of your time on the water with your family and friends and if you want to be able to sit back and let others operate your boat with confidence, just add the super ultimate ak-19 deluxe steering system to it my discount price is $268.99 and free domestic shipping, You will get steering improvements' at all speeds and adjustments to set the fins to your personal preference as well as the ability to get on plane faster and deal with waves bow hop bow wander and prevent the loss of steering even rapidly decelerating in a turn and tempered aluminum fins that do not go below the rudder plus fins that work with the factory angled reverse thrust so you own the water slow speed to high speed and in forward or reverse.
23 years of experience from the specialist who blazed this trail and after 30 days if you are not satisfied with the purchase you contact me and return them for a refund.
customer videos
I know bringing up an old thread is a no-no, but I get my new 2024 AR195 next week and I'm wondering what upgrades are worth it?
Totally depends what you want to do.

For me, the Cobra Jet fins have been awesome. I have a wet slip in a tight spot, around a corner. After a bit of practice (and the fins installed) I'm very comfortable getting in and out. The fins help a ton with very low speed steering adjustments.

I also have the Wake Booster and a couple of ballast bags, but NOT the Yamaha specific 650 transom bag. I have the other ones because they came with the boat, but if I were starting fresh and wanted to surf, I'd definitely get the 650 Yamaha-specific Fat Sac bag.

Lastly, I'm planning on getting RideSteady for next year. I've surfed and tubed and boarded all of this season without it, and I now understand how important it is for those activities.

I haven't touched the radio, or the bow roller, or basically anything else. The 195 SVHO motor has plenty of juice for me. I'd consider going to an impeller that's more targeted to low-end grunt (top speed doesn't matter to me as long as it's above 40) but I find that I don't need it as long as the boat is decently loaded. Ironically, it seems to cavitate a bit more without much weight.