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Ballast system leaks. 1" fittings and 1-1/8" hose. solutions/ideas


Jetboaters Captain
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Palatine, IL
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Well I finally got my automated ballast sytem installed and have leaks everywhere (imbarrassing to admit), and am trying to find the simplest solution. Went with dual aerator pumps at each bag, 1 fills; 1 empties. I have several ideas but trying to fix with the least amount of work. All my hose clamps are very tight, if I go any tighter with hose clamps they will break. When I ordered everything I thought the 1" and 1-1/8" were compatable. Just looking if anyone else experienced this and hoew they solved it.

1. add a 2nd hose clamp to each fitting (not sure it will help)
2. heat gun the hose and then tighten the hose clamp (sounds the easiest)
3. glue every fitting and then hose clamp, maybe silicone or epoxy
4. order all new 1-1/8" fittings (don't really want to do this)
5. go buy 1" hose, replace all the short pieces, glue all the long 1-1/8" pieces

thanks in advance
So you are saying that your leaks are because you have 1-1/8" hose on 1" fittings?

You might be able to seal it with rtv silicone at every joint but for all of that work you are better off to replace everything with the proper size.
Yes, having tons of little leaks everywhere, where the 1-1/8" is put onto the 1" fittings.
I used the good wakemakers reinforced hose, which I think is the problem.
The reinforced ridge thoughout the hose (I think) maybe causing the problem, not allowing the hose clamp to tighten sqaurely.

I know the best solution is ordering all 1-1/8" fittings.
Leaning toward heat gun and double hose clamps solution, could get done in a few hours and test later today. cheapest and quickest, but will it work?
I assume the fittings are metal? If so, the only reason not to attempt the heating approach is if you damage the hose to the point of having to replace it. Not sure that hose is going to shrink with heat....
Double clamp and adhesive would be your best bet other than replacement. Run your clamps opposite of each other so they are flattening the extra hose.

No guarantee in the future but it might hold.
Plastic fittings
I would get the correct fittings and take your time to correct. If you do get the correct fittings you will need the heat gun to soften the ends to get the fittings in. It is a very tight fit the will not leak. Good luck.
I agree. Gonna order correct fittings make it all 1-1/8 ".
What I noticed is that the single barb wakemakers insert fittings leaked with ribbed hose, no matter how many hose clamps I used. I switched to sprinkler shop multibarb insert fittings and the leaks stopped. I only use the single barb insert fitting with my non ribbed rubber heater hose. Cam.
@KXCam22 thanks. That helps me feel less crazy.