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Do your gauges display Water Surface Temp?


Jet Boat Addict
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Upstate NY
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Our manuals state our gauges will display the water surface temperature, Page 43 and snapshot below. However, my last two 215's didn't, and at least one other person on here, Jpseph296, mentioned his doesn't either. Curious if anyone actually has this feature?

Water Temp.jpg
Haven't quite figured out how to do it on my '16 215. Figuring the owner's manual is kinda general and not manual specific and my HO Impulse isn't a fancy enough boat to have that...
I am going out today and will check to see if my 195 displays the surface water temp.....
No surface water temp... I went through all of the setting and not'a.
Bummer right? Maybe I can get more answers through the dealer my next warranty appointment and will report back. Have them contact Scarab for their input.
Hi my name is carl. I recently purchased a 215 HO. Just curious to know if anyone might have an answer to my question. On the center display at the bottom there is a "S" and a "P" that pops up and changes when toggling through settings. Any body know what it means? Please help LOL thank you
I'm guessing that a lot of text in the manual is reused over the various models in the scarab jet boat line such that your boat may not have the feature but another one probably higher up in the line does. If scarab uses the standard Hawkeye fish finder you may be able to replace it with one that has the temperature as an optional display item for under $100 (new gauge with a set of buttons to choose what is displayed but uses the same transducer).

As others have mentioned, Yamaha's jet boats (some of them anyway, including mine) have this feature but I rarely take the time to toggle through the menu to see it as I find it quicker and easier to dip my foot or hand in the water from the boat.
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@carlraisor. Starboard and Port.
My 2015 Limited S does...I believe it is under the trip settings on the Connext system.
@Dsitton @rkluck @christopherglenn This is the Scarab forum...wonder if it would help if we could change the color of members Name Banners based on their boat make? Hummmm @Bruce I've seen a few of these situations where it isn't noticed that the OP was asking about one brand and got answers based on another.
yes my gauges do both engine and water temp. I have a scarab boat though I'm sure they are a bit different.
@Dsitton @rkluck @christopherglenn This is the Scarab forum...wonder if it would help if we could change the color of members Name Banners based on their boat make? Hummmm @Bruce I've seen a few of these situations where it isn't noticed that the OP was asking about one brand and got answers based on another.
Sorry about that!! Didn't notice...