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E-Series Bimini tower tubing diameter? <Flag or rod holder>

Oh got it... thanks!
Here is a shot of the portable clamp on rod holder that attaches well to the stern handle....I have no idea where I bought this as I got it ages ago...but two would go nicely back there, so if someone else recognizes this....post up a link!View attachment 56404
Did we ever figure out where these came from ...I’d like to do something like this on my 18 242x ....
This is what I bought....

30 Degree ones I installed

Although I might go with 15 degree ones if I did this again. On plane my brother was worried a rod might bounce out (I was skeptical...by they weren't my $1000 rods!), so we bungeed them back to the tower.

15 Degree holders
Julian, What hardware did you use to install these rod holders. I just received the 15 degree ones that you recommended and figured out it didn't come with the screws. This will be the first thing I have screwed into the fiberglass so I wasn't sure if they were just screws or bolts.
Julian, What hardware did you use to install these rod holders. I just received the 15 degree ones that you recommended and figured out it didn't come with the screws. This will be the first thing I have screwed into the fiberglass so I wasn't sure if they were just screws or bolts.
I have a whole box of different Stainless screws and bolts I use for this sort of thing. There really isn't a ton of pressure on the screws, so I probably just went with 1/2 inch screws, I'm pretty sure I didn't through bolt them...it was a while ago.