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Easy way to clean debris out of your jet pump (without pulling plugs or going in the water)

You know what....perhaps I should buy one to find out the answer to this nagging question....all in the name of research for the membership...right???? LOL
You know what....perhaps I should buy one to find out the answer to this nagging question....all in the name of research for the membership...right???? LOL
If that's not a big hint .....,
A big dream I'm afraid....no new boat for me for a couple of years.....unless I get the marketing department super duper deep discount!
Yeah. We need to push that discount!
Maybe we could just "use" a boat for a summer to give our members better understanding!

@Julian, mods on the second boat are more painful because you feel like your repeating yourself! But you may be onto a good argument ;)
that's the only thing my boat eats a steady diet of
The gates open when the engines are turned off on the e-series
A big dream I'm afraid....no new boat for me for a couple of years.....unless I get the marketing department super duper deep discount!

So. . . . how big was the discount? ;)
So does this mean the new e series will work with the reverse trick but no need to open the gates after the engines are off? Or is it better to pull the lanyard out.

Sorry I'm new to jet boats if the answer is obvious.
So does this mean the new e series will work with the reverse trick but no need to open the gates after the engines are off? Or is it better to pull the lanyard out.

Sorry I'm new to jet boats if the answer is obvious.
Good question and something I have yet to test....pretty sure the gates will move if the engines aren't running...but not certain.
My observation with my boat is that the gates do not move when the engines are not running. They move to the fully open position when the engines are shut off.

I have been able to clear debris by going in reverse and then switching to the forward detent without throttle.
My observation with my boat is that the gates do not move when the engines are not running. They move to the fully open position when the engines are shut off.

I have been able to clear debris by going in reverse and then switching to the forward detent without throttle.

The bucket controls do not function when the engine is off. What I didn't test yet is what happens if you kill the engines when the boat is in reverse....my assumption is that the gates will remain in the reverse position until the engines are started, at which point they will return to neutral. But not certain on this and @Adrenalinejunky suggests they do return to fully open.

So the reverse move for an E-Series may need to be:
  1. Put it in reverse, and get the boat moving backward (faster the better)
  2. Put the throtles into forward (this allows water to be pushed directly into the exposed jet nozzles and force stuff in the tubes back through the grate, or off the grate).
  3. QUICKLY Kill the engines (pulling the lanyard off is the fastest way)
Being new to jets and in weedy lakes. I can't wait to try this trick!
Thanks all for sharing the knowledge.
New to jet boating, will this technique work with my Scarab 215HO? We seem to get the occasional weed situation...
Well go try it out you can get one at the local home depot or walmart for under 5 dollars to try it. The one thing is you must stand in the water to use it but it beats diving under the boat, also learn my reverse move.
Run the boat backward and then turn of the engine while you immediately shift into forward, "OPENING THE REVERSE GATE" this allow water to back flush the pump as you drift with the motor off, it will usually push out the weeds. The plunger was based on the same principal, and I know the reverse move works most of the time so the plunger should also.
I have a small adjustment to offer that had worked great for me...

Get the boat to make a large wake 7 or 10 mph, bow up. Moving forward.

Kill engines. Boat falls off wave, and the wake that was following you slams into you from behind.

Voila, crap cleared, restart and go.
I have a small adjustment to offer that had worked great for me...

Get the boat to make a large wake 7 or 10 mph, bow up. Moving forward.

Kill engines. Boat falls off wave, and the wake that was following you slams into you from behind.

Voila, crap cleared, restart and go.

Yep. This is what I do, with my 190 FSH.

It would be really nice if there was a skimmer type design, where weeds and sea grass that entered the inlet would float over and out, bypassing the impeller. Cavitation bubbles could escape then, as well... maybe
The hard part is to keep this skimmer closed while the pump is running. Otherwise it's a good plan :-D