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    free hit counter

SWAG Jetboaters.net LOGO Sticker Sale

Will you personally deliver if I order some more @Murf'n'surf ? ;)
I will do better than that! I am available every other weekend to visit, this being a good weekend. Just a point of reference if you guys are planning something in the future you’ll know if I can make it.
Well, what are you waiting for?!? @DieselCamel is about to throw a 14lb brisket on the smoker to go all night, and I think he's talkin about going on a full plant based diet. If we eat all his brisket, he'll have no choice.
Well, what are you waiting for?!? @DieselCamel is about to throw a 14lb brisket on the smoker to go all night, and I think he's talkin about going on a full plant based diet. If we eat all his brisket, he'll have no choice.
HA! That’ll ruin my diet quite well but sounds damn tempting.
OK Folks......... Get 4 FREE coasters with every 2 sticker purchase! Only 2 sticker purchases get coasters.

Follow instructions for ordering in the 1st post in this thread.

Are those reusable? Or, the cardboard type that only lasts about one evening?
Are those reusable? Or, the cardboard type that only lasts about one evening?
They are cardboard. Length of use would depend on how much your glass is sweating.
Are those reusable? Or, the cardboard type that only lasts about one evening?
After some heavy use in the Florida humidity/sweating glasses.....I'm quite impressed on how they are holding up.
Last edited:
Placed my order, hoping coasters are still available :)
Coasters are officially out of stock. Thanks to all who purchased during this special.
Jetboaters.net stickers.....a great way to promote your favorite forum....and something inexpensive to order while you are stuck at home!
Is this forum still actively selling stickers?
Thanks Scott! Stickers arrived today. Fast. High quality. Nice job!
Just sent email with requested info.
To order logo stickers send an email to jetboaterslogo ((AT)) gmail ((DOT COM)). Send this email from the email your paypal account is registered to. DO NOT SEND PAYPAL MONEY TO THIS EMAIL ADDRESS. I WILL SEND YOU AN ADDRESS TO MAKE THE PAYMENT TO.

Make sure the following info is in your email:

1. Your name and mailing address in a 3or4 line stacked format
2. What stickers you are ordering and the quantity
3. The $ amount of your order $2.00 per sticker
4. Your jetboaters.net screen name

I will reply to your email with the email address to send $ to via PayPal. Choose the "send money to friends and family option". Once payment is received I will ship out your order via USPS. Larger orders may require extra postage. If I run out of any design, I will reorder and ship them when the reorder arrives (usually 7 days).

Sample order:

Joe Jetboater
1414 Jetboating Lane
Jetting, FL. 12345

5) Red Stacked logo
1) White Standard logo

Here are the 6 options currently available:
Sizes are listed in the pics.

Black Stacked logo:
View attachment 3301

White Stacked logo:
View attachment 3300

Red Stacked Logo:
View attachment 3299

Orange Stacked Logo:
View attachment 18951

Black Standard logo:
View attachment 3298

White Standard logo:
View attachment 3297

View attachment 19279
This post is almost 7 years old. Offer still good?