Sorry Tim, not possible to run a 1600watt amp for 4 to 5 hours off of one battery...unless it is running at about 10% volume. I had a 700W 5 channel amp on my previous boat. A true 700W. I don't know what amp you had, but the manufacturers don't all put out real numbers. But my amp at 700W did not do 700W duty. I ran my 6 speakers in various ways with a 10" sub and assumed 380W divided by efficiency, drawing 480W divided by 13V and that is 37 amps at MAX. A conservative average is 30% and that is 13 to 14 amps at full volume. Who does that? So I was told by David (at Earmark at the time) that based on my listening habits, I would draw less than 10 amps while anchored or less per hour...and it would last me 5 hours. Now my battery system had two group 24 AGM 95 amp/hour batteries that would be isolated at that point, so I was depending on a single battery.
Bob, if you run your stereo conservatively, your still going to use over twice the battery capacity that I did. But...if you play it any louder than easy listening volume...1.5 hours max. These are conservative estimates. You may get more, you may get less. But it will be based on what you have and how you use it.
@tim2808 , I am not disputing you, I am just saying that a high power amp will take battery capacity. I fly for a living...I ain't leaving my wellbeing or that of my family (or yours) up to chance. These are motorcycle engines, and they take far less to turn over and start than your amplifier takes to power up. There are many guys on the forum that would attest to having run the battery dry with the stereo and still had power to start the boat. But that may be where your problems start too. Planning your fuel load to zero isn't a good idea.