@Julian Checking in to see how your Vinly is holding up.
We now have a 5mo old little boy, and there are times when he will only settle down OUTSIDE. Luckily we have a covered deck, however moving into the cool season here soon, I've been tasked with finding a way to take the chill out of the air, and still let the little one be outside. I won't lie, I think she wants this more for extending our use of the space than for the baby, but it still needs to get done.
Here is our back deck space:
The second shot shows how the railing looks. The first shot shows the overall deck. The wind primarily flows from left to right in that shot, but sometimes reverses, we rarely get wind head on into the building.
My thought is to take your project and adapt it to my space. I was thinking of putting snaps on the outside of the deck railing, and the "inside" of the upper support beams. This would hopefully give the vinyl a bit of slope to it, so that rain and dew would roll off of it. The lower sections are easy, and will just snap in place on the lower railings. I'm unsure if I should leave the lowest section of the railing from the bottom horizontal piece to the floor open for airflow.
Here's some questions I'm hoping you can help with:
How did you join sections where there wasn't structure? Ihave long open sections on 3 sides that will need to be joined. I'm thinking vertical joints with either zippers or snaps. Any thoughts?
How has the vinyl held up after a few years? Does it handle the "stretching" in the winter time when the temperature swings from the 50's to 10's? You mentioned shrinkage of the vinyl in the cold. Any problems with that?
How strong is this stuff? Can it handle a 15-20mph constant wind? I don't want to have to run out and take it all down because we're expecting a thunderstorm, or snow storm. The hope is to install it in the mid-late fall and leave it up all winter until mid-late spring.
How sit holding up after a few years use? Still look OK? Any fading/cracking/yellowing?
Thanks in advance for the help. This tutorial/how-to/example is pretty awesome!