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I believe it was for pocket watch cowboys were wearing. Then people adopted for zippo lighters.Does anyone know what that pocket was originally intended for? Hint hint, it was originally on Levi’s and it’s quite old now.
Does anyone know what that pocket was originally intended for? Hint hint, it was originally on Levi’s and it’s quite old now.
Pocket watch??
I believe it was for pocket watch cowboys were wearing. Then people adopted for zippo lighters.
I got 12:05:27.27 .......Rounds down to 5min after ...I think the "around" covers you thoughAround 6 minutes after 12.
I can't help it.I suspected the forum math geek would target it exactly. Probably should have kept my calculations to myself.
I completely missed that, rather obvious now, reference. Well done.None of you are taking into account whether he's got a working flux capacitor.