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Do you do a dry cure or a wet cure? That's some pretty good skill with that knife, I just go the easy way with the slicer so it doesn't look like a serial killer took a hack at my bacon
I dry cure about 60 pounds a year. Most of what I make goes through a slicer like your saying. The pic is "bacon steaks!" Makin bacon is fun! Try putting the belly in the freezer for ten minutes before slicing. Makes a big difference.
Took the youngest to the range today, she likes pistols and steel targets

Day 3 of Wolf Creek, we are done and heading back tomorrow, after a good soak in sulfur springs.
Last two days was some of the best skiing ever, sunny, fresh deep powder, no lines, my legs are mush - 20+ runs a day 1,500ft vertical each, lol.


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Wolf Creek, CO.
Amazing place.

Glad you guys enjoyed it! My kids were Wolf Pups back in 2005 when they started skiing. We'd pick them up from Wolf Pups around 2:00 and take them to the top and they were always so excited!! By the end of their first ski trip they thought they were big shots skiing "KAA the snake" which was a little gully black run off of a blue run. They always talk about it!!
Day 3 of Wolf Creek, we are done and heading back tomorrow, after a good soak in sulfur springs.
Last two days was some of the best skiing ever, sunny, fresh deep powder, no lines, my legs are mush - 20+ runs a day 1,500ft vertical each, lol.

View attachment 110508

Aloha @swatski looks like fun but looks really COLD.??
Glad you guys enjoyed it! My kids were Wolf Pups back in 2005 when they started skiing. We'd pick them up from Wolf Pups around 2:00 and take them to the top and they were always so excited!! By the end of their first ski trip they thought they were big shots skiing "KAA the snake" which was a little gully black run off of a blue run. They always talk about it!!
Thanks again for steering us the right way!

Thanks again for steering us the right way!

It looks like your family had a great time...Did you see any 12 sided snowflakes?
I know you probably were not looking, but this one caught my eye.



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While my 2010 expedition limited is in the shop for some warranty work I was lent this 2019 expedition max limited. It’s an awesome vehicle with a twin turbo v6, 10 forward gears, 8 seats and all the bells and whistles. If I had to buy an new suv this would be at the top of my list.


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