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I see great penetration/saturation into the wood of West Systems 105/207 epoxy at the mortise and tenon joints. The tenon is buried 1/4" from the surface and the outline can be seen by looking at the end grain.


All parts have been epoxied together and coated with the first coat of epoxy. Satin Polyurethane will follow. Placed the order for the S.S. hinges, solid brass are too expensive, although they do look better on this build. I started cutting out the 5/16" thick cherry panels to fill in the frames.


Outside view, main panel.

Inside view of the step panel, one flush surface.

Outside view of the same panel, unfinished.

I am going to start ordering West Systems epoxy by the gallon or possibly barrel/drum instead of the quart size. A lot of wood needing finish.
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I'm rebuilding an old Sears Jointer that's been sitting on my shelf for 20-some years and sat in my Dad's basement for 20-some years prior to that.

Mom and Dad were married in '57 and Dad bought this thing second-hand shortly after that.


I put the main body back together after work last night.

It's in decent shape. It just needed a little clean-up and lubrication.

The "trick" was finding new bearings for the thing. I wound up finding a 10-pack of old GM "Delco" (as opposed to "AC Delco") bearings on ebay.
As a fan of vintage stuff, it really hurt to put a knife to the shrink-wrap. I had to open them up right away before I lost my nerve and had to buy more bearings from somewhere else.

The individual bearings are wrapped in that old wax-paper type material. My wife and daughters couldn't figure out why I was geeking out over the whole thing. They don't get it. ;)
In prepping to “reload” the boat for this season I came across this flare gun and flares. The flares are dated 2013. I was thinking about buying new ones and realized I don’t really need these or the flair gun at all. I always boat within sight of land and on rivers and lakes. The only time I can think of that I would need a flare gun is if I’m
floating in the water without a boat, like a man over board situation, it’s not likely that I will have a flare gun with me. Still I will put these back on the boat just because I already have them and they don’t take up much space. I am pretty sure flares are optional not required by the coast guard.

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In prepping to “reload” the boat for this season I came across this flare gun and flares. The flares are dated 2013. I was thinking about buying new ones and realized I don’t really need these or the flair gun at all. I always boat within sight of land and on rivers and lakes. The only time I can think of that I would need a flare gun is if I’m
floating in the water without a boat, like a man over board situation, it’s not likely that I will have a flare gun with me. Still I will put these back on the boat just because I already have them and they don’t take up much space. I am pretty sure flares are optional not required by the coast guard.

View attachment 118038

I thought the CG required a noise maker (horn or whistle) for daytime emergencies and a light (flare or new emergency strobe qualifies) for nighttime be onboard, always.

I did a CG safety check last year, and they checked for flares, but the guy told me to get one of the strobe lights after the flares expired. He also checked the dates on the flares.

You might double check that if the CG is your main patrolling body. I only encountered them when prepping for Lake Michigan. They aren’t on our normal water bodies, so I’ve never had flares before that trip.
The answer regarding flares is it depends If you are in coastal waters where i boat flares are not required however if i was to go off shore I would need them. [flag]
In prepping to “reload” the boat for this season I came across this flare gun and flares. The flares are dated 2013. I was thinking about buying new ones and realized I don’t really need these or the flair gun at all. I always boat within sight of land and on rivers and lakes. The only time I can think of that I would need a flare gun is if I’m
floating in the water without a boat, like a man over board situation, it’s not likely that I will have a flare gun with me. Still I will put these back on the boat just because I already have them and they don’t take up much space. I am pretty sure flares are optional not required by the coast guard.

Pretty sure you are only required to carry one visual signaling device. So if you have a mirror, electronic flare, etc should be good.
Side note, the CG app is pretty useful if you don’t have it, it has all the info on mandatory equipment, in addition you can get buoy info from it.
Here's the relevant info from the Federal requirements. Your State may have additional requirements.

I'm not a fan of the "just meeting the requirement" approach. You don't know what circumstances you may find yourself in someday. Maybe an opportunity comes up to go somewhere you don't normally. You "intended" to better equip your boat if that ever happened, but that buddy called you and you found yourself out on his big lake so fast that you didn't have all those things on a list someplace.

I try to envision worst-case scenario and gear up for that. Normally this takes me at LEAST to the minimums.
Looks like I will add verifying I have all the required as well as at least some of the optional safety equipment onboard for this season. I remember feeling the same way as @biglar155 at one point, that is be prepared for anything, probably back when I bought the flare gun and flares around 2012. Time to get back into that state of mind, plus it gives me a reason to go to west marine and “shop”. Actually they prefer that I call ahead so my item is ready when i get there and I don’t have to / get to walk/ browse through the entire store. I will take what I can get 50 days into a stay at home order with 26 days left, currently anyway.
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@Babin Farms that looks like Dixon IL from the old hydro plant roof...
I came home early from work for my birthday to this

My family replaced the 32 " outdoor tv for a 50" . Since this pandemic thing, we have been doing a lot of stuff in the backyard. Loving it and ready for our Sunday family movie night.
I came home early from work for my birthday to this

View attachment 118066
My family replaced the 32 " outdoor tv for a 50" . Since this pandemic thing, we have been doing a lot of stuff in the backyard. Loving it and ready for our Sunday family movie night.
Those chairs need to be at least 6 feet apart. :winkingthumbsup" TV looks great!
I came home early from work for my birthday to this

View attachment 118066
My family replaced the 32 " outdoor tv for a 50" . Since this pandemic thing, we have been doing a lot of stuff in the backyard. Loving it and ready for our Sunday family movie night.
How fancy. I just bought a cheap TCL one and hope it doesn't die outside haha
How fancy. I just bought a cheap TCL one and hope it doesn't die outside haha
Yeah we have a high pressure mister so we kind of had too