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Man, how do you follow a Birthday Parade post with a Yamaha 212x sandwiched between two first responders?

Not even close... I am just wetsanding the glossy epoxy on the cabin floor (sole) boards, using a sanding block, before first coat of satin polyurethane later today.

Splash date May 18th.

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True! How about with 2 dogs duking it out and one looking bored and relaxing in the sun???
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This doesn't look right (at my marina)


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Looks like it was tied off well...:p
The dock master tied it off extra so it wouldn't float off or sink all the way. People are getting pissed that the owners havent dealt with it ASAP. Yes that fuel spill is not good!
That picture is absolutely grotesque for May 9th. At this point New Englands boating season is going to be three weeks long. Between pandemic and the lousy weather it wasn't been a great 2020.
I saw @suke ’s post on the results of her boat detailing efforts so I got a quote for mobile exterior boat detailing service and sent him these pics. Their rep showed up within an hour and quoted me $1,200 (2 days (8 hours per day) for 1 guy, 1 day for 2 guys). This excludes removing the adhesive left by the oem decals which I peeled earlier this week. I said, “thank you for coming out and goodbye”. The business owner called me several times afterward, apparently he realized too late that his guy’s original quote was too aggressive, especially since the county I live in and surrounding counties are still under stay at home orders until the end of May. Basically I have a lot more time than money these days now that working from home is the norm and going into the office is the exception. Now I’m looking at DYI videos on you tube and posts here in preparation for next week’s driveway boating session(s).

So far this year I’ve had more driveway boating days than I care to count and zero, nada, zilch, a big goose egg real/on water boating days other than the days it rained while I was driveway boating02ECBAD1-D30F-404E-992F-7065057F10E5.jpeg


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I saw @suke ’s post on the results of her boat detailing efforts so I got a quote for mobile exterior boat detailing service and sent him these pics. Their rep showed up within an hour and quoted me $1,200 (2 days (8 hours per day) for 1 guy, 1 day for 2 guys). This excludes removing the adhesive left by the oem decals which I peeled earlier this week. I said, “thank you for coming out and goodbye”. The business owner called me several times afterward, apparently he realized too late that his guy’s original quote was too aggressive, especially since the county I live in and surrounding counties are still under stay at home orders until the end of May. Basically I have a lot more time than money these days now that working from home is the norm and going into the office is the exception. Now I’m looking at DYI videos on you tube and posts here in preparation for next week’s driveway boating session(s).

So far this year I’ve had more driveway boating days than I care to count and zero, nada, zilch, a big goose egg real/on water boating days other than the days it rained while I was driveway boatingView attachment 118395
IMG_20200417_155010_468.jpgjust were sanded ours this year after removing the decals. A pro could point out issues but it looks much better than it did and my quote was over 2 grand!
The answer regarding flares is it depends If you are in coastal waters where i boat flares are not required however if i was to go off shore I would need them. [flag]
Lake michigan requires i believe due to the locks. They can stop and inspect you at the locks. Coast guard patrols great lakes due to international shipping lanes and they cutthe ice to ports.
I have been outthere where local conservation officers had to radio in to coast guard for help when a 40 foot boat was being bashed onto the breakerwall. We were onthe other side of the wall and had just dodged a pop up storm. Waves were coming over about a 6' breaker wall that day.
Evidence my kids are in my boat more than me!
Ladder done and straps undone! Caught!
Set up tent for kids last night. Too cold and they made it a total of 2 hours20200509_200715.jpg
View attachment 118427
Evidence my kids are in my boat more than me!
Ladder done and straps undone! Caught!

Boy THAT brings back some memories.

The first boat I remember my Dad owning was a 14' 1965 Shell Lake runabout. If you were looking for me in the summer, I was in the garage playing in the boat. That boat was every kind of boat and spaceship ever built or imagined. It was a houseboat, a racing boat, a ski boat, and a freighter. It was an X-Wing, a Star Fleet shuttle craft, and The Space Shuttle. I was always careful not to break anything since it was "my" boat.