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Any tricks? Or, when do you start that? We have a new puppy, almost 9 weeks old now. He’s very sporadic. Lol. I’m feeling like it’s still too soon for much training.

I'm certainly no expert and our dog training history is no "go-to" guide but,
I was amazed while teaching our dog to walk how fast he learned, keep a very short leash, just enough for them to be at your side and walk, if they get distracted, keep walking and pull them along, if they bark or alert on something they shouldn't immediately do a U-turn, you could be u-turning in front of you house for an hour but I was surprised in 15 minutes my dog was walking 100% better. you teach them to watch you instead of doing whatever they want, we stop and sniff when I decide it's time,

also, if you've never looked at clicker training it's a great tool to teach positive reinforcement,
With the $1,200 quote in mind I went over board at pep boys and spent over $300 on boat cleaning/maintenance materials and tools (mostly tools). I will probably return some of the supplies as I read up on what people recommend here.

@Ronnie I used to use one of those hose-end "soapy foam sprayer" things, and while they're okay, they're never going to be as nice as getting a pressure washer and a foam cannon. The nice thing about it is that you'll have a pressure washer to use for things OTHER than cleaning the boat, and the one I got was electric, so no gas/oil to deal with, although dealing with a power cord has its own drawbacks too. The following is the foam cannon I used, and Walmart has an updated (or different manufacturer, I can't tell right now) model pressure washer, and it's more than enough to get a nice almost-shaving-cream-ish foam that sticks to where you spray it, for the most part, that you will NEVER get with your "SoaknSpray". I dunno if you have water restrictions where you're at, but having the soap foam stick to where you put it really cuts down on water usage, IMO, and lets you see where you've cleaned, something that those hose-end products fail at after more than a minute or two. You'll have to fiddle with the air cap to get the right mix, but once you've got it dialed in to where you like it, you'll love it far more than a hose-end product.

Foam cannon: TriNova Foam Cannon from Amazon

Pressure washer: Hyper Tough Electric Pressure Washer From Walmart

Here's the pressure washer I'd get if I could wait, to be shipped to the store: Greenworks Electric Pressure Washer from Walmart

Don't be fooled, the "foam cannon" with those pressure washers are a step up from a hose-end soap sprayer, but they are NOT going to deliver performance anywhere even CLOSE to the foam cannon I linked to from Amazon.
The trick is getting her out of bed. ? She's a Humane Society Rescue so we had never even heard of a Ridgeback before we got her. Fortunately whatever she's mixed with has kept her size reasonable (around 55lbs). After the vet hypothesized that she might be Ridgeback, we looked it up. Pretty incredible mix actually. The part about "short, high energy bursts in between long periods of rest" is what confirmed the suspicion long before the first time she saw another dog: The otherwise flat hair on her back nearly stood up in a mowhawk. She looks like a hyena when she's mad.


Part of the training issue is definitely the late start - and inconsistency among family members. That's on us. (Past dogs were "Before Kids" so there was a lot more time to spend on training and we were a lot more consistent.) That said, she is completely mule-head stubborn.

My wife's cousin has, and raises, champion Rhodesian Ridgebacks. You are describing everything typical of the breed. I can tell you that if your wife/kids are probably already 3rd/4th in the pack's pecking order in your dog's eyes, and the only thing keeping the dog from being pack leader is you. They require a TON of work for training, but they're natural hunters/pointers/finders. She's a beauty, even with that Sneaky-Neighbor-Dog mix
Dogs don't really understand situational differences.
LOL, I'm not sure about that. When I walk the dogs they act totally different with me than they do with my wife. She and I are pretty consistent with command and all but they (8 of them) tend to take advantage of her a lot more than me.
LOL, I'm not sure about that. When I walk the dogs they act totally different with me than they do with my wife. She and I are pretty consistent with command and all but they (8 of them) tend to take advantage of her a lot more than me.
Some of that "takeing advantage" is often a pack style drive of protection... the alfalfa may not be there to protect the pack so the pack acts differently... if they act different with her walking them bu u still walking there too then it can be they seem themselves equal to your wife... my dogs are well loved, almost children in my house. But they know every person comes first. They are at the bottom of the packing order. It can be as si.ple as makignthem get down off the couch so a person can sit. Simple stuff but they know. My wife can walk may 155 pound dog as well as me. Now he does get all puppy energetic and excited but that's ok.. he will settle after a bit.
@drewkaree , thanks for the recommendation. There were no Trinova water cannons available and no restock date and my local Walmart didn’t have a pressure washer in stock but I like the idea of getting a pressure washer so bought one of these instead. Keeping this to the what do I see theme, now I see the tools and materials I plan to use to work on the boat with tomorrow.
Corona Virus Gold (aka Goo Gone). I ran out half way through cleaning the glue left behind from removal of the stock decals. This was the last bottle in the store.
Any tricks? Or, when do you start that? We have a new puppy, almost 9 weeks old now. He’s very sporadic. Lol. I’m feeling like it’s still too soon for much training.
Start training small stuff now
small burst 5 min
dog will be the best ever
Any tricks? Or, when do you start that? We have a new puppy, almost 9 weeks old now. He’s very sporadic. Lol. I’m feeling like it’s still too soon for much training.
Dogs love high pitched praise.... a stern NO! And an over the top high pitched praise voice along with consistency will get you where u wanna be.
Best training tool for my labs was fill a metal can with loose change, when dog does something negative just shake the can and tell him no. Cured jumping up on people literally after two shakes of the can. Now if he even sees the can he slinks away like a lil baby.
Love to take credit for this idea, but I saw it on Animal Planet..lol
This idea works well for counter surfers too.
A blue hulled SX240 at the Shelburne Shipyard today.



Started putting the Dock box/steps together with 316 S.S. piano hinges and hardware today. Just getting it all aligned so it opens and closes properly. It folds to 5 1/2" here. One piece to add to that still will bring width to near 7".




Its comming along.

Oh yea, put the Beneteau in the water too.

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Daddy Mommy where u going? We’re practice Social Distancing?.
Governor of Hawaii opened up our Beaches, so took the Ohana(family) around the corner to Kipukai. Only us for miles around, picked some grilling size Opihi(Limpets). Then on the way home shot a Ulua(Giant Trevaly) to eat. Great time with the Ohana, so happy to be out spending quality time.??
I wonder what car this charges?

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I wonder what carthis charges?

View attachment 119682
This is a third part touchless charging system. I looked into it when I had my volt. I believe you can get them for Tesla as well. You just have to align it to the fixture that mounts to your car. That's it. Nothing to do.
This one is special, just for me. Should we play guess what's in the box?