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On Sunday I saw a Parenting Milestone:


That's Thing 3 and Thing 4 helping me take down the swing set. (Actually, they did most of the work. I did a lot of pointing and waving and sometimes yelling.)

Thing 4 got to use a sawz-all for the first time. His eyes lit up and he became very enthusiastic about the project - to the point I had to keep him contained in order to salvage the lumber! :)

Definitely a moment to reflect. My wife watched us from the deck with a wistful look in her eyes. I built that swing set from a Menard's kit 18 years ago when Thing 1 was a wee little bug. She's 20 now.

But..... It served its purpose and time rolls on.

In another Milestone, Thing 3 had a job interview at Wal-Mart today. He presented himself so well, they hired him on the spot. It will be a good start for him and they understand that if his Youth Apprenticeship goes through (which is slowed by the whole Covid thing) he'll be moving on to a place that lets him get some welding experience.
Social distancing at it's best. Six hours without thinking of the bat bug. Mt Hope Bay, Mass/RI border...75 degrees, lite wind.View attachment 120413
Went over that bridge hundreds of time on my way to Newport/Goat Island (proposed to my wife there). Never under it. Looks like a beautiful day. Thanks for sharing.
Went over that bridge hundreds of time on my way to Newport/Goat Island (proposed to my wife there). Never under it. Looks like a beautiful day. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you, grew up in Mass and worked in RI for 23 years. I'm ready to be your neighbor in hopefully two years.
Thank you, grew up in Mass and worked in RI for 23 years. I'm ready to be your neighbor in hopefully two years.
Com'on down!!! I'll show you around (St.Pete/Clearwater). You thinking about the Tampa Bay/St Pete area? Start making plans now, it goes by quick.
Com'on down!!! I'll show you around (St.Pete/Clearwater). You thinking about the Tampa Bay/St Pete area? Start making plans now, it goes by quick.
It's been the plan for along time will will be just south of you in Manatee or Sarasota County!
Myself! Long day polishing. Finished off with sone driveway boating. 4ED7E7C0-7C77-40C8-9C99-88A1CB6051DB.jpeg778FE583-6690-424C-9810-C1013F08FA7F.jpeg
Put it in the slip, ready for tomorrow Putting the cover on was interesting to say the least seeing the docks only go to maybe the center cleat but practice, practice, practice.
Where is that on the Rock river?
Great cake! They build the full scale Subaru racecars on the other side of town a few minutes away.