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Went over that bridge hundreds of time on my way to Newport/Goat Island (proposed to my wife there). Never under it. Looks like a beautiful day. Thanks for sharing.
Went to school (Roger Williams) and got high once or twice under that bridge. Cool spot..just had to watch out for jumpers!
Watching a movie while working out and have the closed captioning turned on....

Was this caption really necessary? (and they don't say the words) Lol

I feel like I’m bragging with these pics but I can’t resist! No prettier place on earth!


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Some JL Audio crossover modules that I pulled out of a used car years ago and which I’m about to throw in the trash.
Went to school (Roger Williams) and got high once or twice under that bridge. Cool spot..just had to watch out for jumpers!

I went there in the late 70's early 80's.
Mechanical Engineering and Hockey, well I liked hockey better then. But the Engineering took me further. My RA was a Marine Bio. major. Had a few dorm friends that thought they were too. They would put on their scuba gear and raid the Lobster pots out behind the dorm closest to the Bridge, at the time. They knew the risk.
Mechanical Engineering and Hockey, well I liked hockey better then. But the Engineering took me further. My RA was a Marine Bio. major. Had a few dorm friends that thought they were too. They would put on their scuba gear and raid the Lobster pots out behind the dorm closest to the Bridge, at the time. They knew the risk.
Ahh yes. that tradition continued. When you are broke college student, you take free food wherever you can find it!
I see a lot of new finished woodwork laying around that needs to go to the boat (Beneteau). A complete new set of Cherry/Holly sole panels to replace original Mahogany/Black panels, a new cherry liquor cabinet cover and a Sugar Maple block that sits over the gimbaled stove. A surface to put the induction burner on in the galley.


EDIT: It is pretty cool how the grain changes with the light, flash. This is it without the flash.

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Three rolls of flex seal. Two small ones for the waverunners and one large one for the boat. Hopefully I will never have to use them but I’m happy to have them onboard.
Is that so if your boat gets cut in half you can still get back? ?
Is that so if your boat gets cut in half you can still get back? ?

Funny, If they were built like Boston Whalers...You would not need the tape.

Is that so if your boat gets cut in half you can still get back? ?
Just in case I ram the dock (again) and put a hole through the hull (again).
I also plan to use it to patch some leaks in my inflatable mats. “As seen on TV”, as purchased at Home Depot ($20 for the large roll, around $12 for each small roll).
I’ve only used it once so far to patch the base of a portable basketball hoop, the $hit works as advertised, like Tape with 3m 4200 as adhesive.
Is your sun shade home made? I like it! Can you provide details?

View attachment 121375

It is a copy of one I saw a while ago on THT. A guy made one for his Grady White.
All the SS hardware and SS Tubing can be found online.

It's made to remove really very easily, but I have only removed the Sunbrella and SS poles once when trailering from Wisconsin to Florida..
It's good for highway use because the hardtop creates an air burble.
My longest tow since the move has been from Tampa to Fort Lauderdale...
Just in case I ram the dock (again) and put a hole through the hull (again).
I also plan to use it to patch some leaks in my inflatable mats. “As seen on TV”, as purchased at Home Depot ($20 for the large roll, around $12 for each small roll).
I’ve only used it once so far to patch the base of a portable basketball hoop, the $hit works as advertised, like Tape with 3m 4200 as adhesive.
I was certain you had seen the commercial of Phil Swift, the Flex Tape inventor, cutting a boat in half and repairing it with Flex Tape, then taking it out on a lake. Classic infomercial stuff.