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Took this picture laying on the bow pad after a sail yesterday. This boat/rig is "smokin hot" in light winds.

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Wow. I've never golfed in my life and I want to try golfing this course....
Not a good one to learn on by the look of it! I recall going golfing with my grandfather in Scotland....never lost so many balls in my life!
OMG...that course is sick! I've just started playing here in Florida but our courses are soooooo flat.

The pics don't do it justice. That par 3 pictured is about 12 stories from the tee box to the green in elevation. The green is a table top. The bunkers are about 10-15 feet below the green, I know because I was in the back left the first round. Course elevation is around 3,000 feet. The first afternoon we played it was 111F. It's absolutely beautiful but absolutely unforgiving. If you want to try and find your ball that is off fairway and in the hazard you are risking a bite by a rattle snake. The lack of sound is mind boggling. The last morning my buddy and I tee'd off at 7:45 to try and get as many holes in as we could before the jet took off. You could not hear a thing. No road noise, no planes, no people, not even any wildlife. It's absolutely crazy! The course is Black Jack's Crossing in Lajita's, TX.
I see steamed clams for dinner being cooked on an induction burner on the Beneteau. I installed a 20a AC shorepower circuit/outlet in the galley for this burner. Finally paying off.



Psyched, I love steamers and beer.
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Mowing the "lawn" along my driveway this am. Funny, how the the grass gets out control if you miss a week mowing.;)



The cows were helping me out with the mowing on the other side.


Thumbs up to Ya'll, from the mirror.
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My wife and I after eating a high end meal on the beach (actually in the beach parking lot with the top down and windows up, no picnicking allowed right now).

The back story, it’s a late celebration of our 20th wedding anniversary, our son just graduated from high school that morning (ceremony delayed and modified) and we had a $150 gift certificate for the restaurant. I asked my son and his friend (both food service workers what I should tip for curbside delivery, both said 5%). I left $10 in cash, about 7%. When I called back for plastic ware the server said’ “just a minute”. A minute later she walked out to explain they don’t offer plastic ware because they assume everyone takes the food home to eat it. I ended up getting plastic ware at a taquiera for free (actually I left a dollar in the tip jar.

Breakdown of costs:
$149 for dinner, which was only ok taste wise),
$10 for dinner tip,
$10 to park at the beach,
$1 for plastic ware,
$6 for bridge toll,
Plus whatever the premium fuel cost to get there and back.
Mission accomplished but definitely not what we were expecting or hoping for.
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Signs, signs, everywhere a sign blocking up the scenery, messing with my mind.
We are doing some CV cleaning and my wife is making me get rid of all these boxes... not sure why I want to keep them... so I don’t have a solid argument.

Remember when @Ronnie pulled all the boxes of stuff he bought over the years. Kind of makes me sick to the stomach on my I “need” this mentality. Looks like it really adds up!

My wife and I after eating a high end meal on the beach (actually in the beach parking lot with the top down and windows up, no picnicking allowed right now).
View attachment 122071

View attachment 122072
The back story, it’s a late celebration of our 20th wedding anniversary, our son just graduated from high school that morning (ceremony delayed and modified) and we had a $150 gift certificate for the restaurant. I asked my son and his friend (both food service workers what I should tip for curbside delivery, both said 5%). I left $10 in cash, about 7%. When I called back for plastic ware the server said’ “just a minute”. A minute later she walked out to explain they don’t offer plastic ware because they assume everyone takes the food home to eat it. I ended up getting plastic ware at a taquiera for free (actually I left a dollar in the tip jar.

Breakdown of costs:
$149 for dinner, which was only ok taste wise),
$10 for dinner tip,
$10 to park at the beach,
$1 for plastic ware,
$6 for bridge toll,
Plus whatever the premium fuel cost to get there and back.
Mission accomplished but definitely not what we were expecting or hoping for.
View attachment 122073

Haha I can relate. I did the box purge at the beginning of quarantine. Although, I’m slowly rebuilding the collection....

I think it’s a corona virus Premium renamed. I was tempted to ask for the $10 Cash tip back (Although I noticed she didn’t bring it back out with her) when she told me that I won’t be getting any plastic ware from them. Puzzling that they will sell me $150 in precooked meals but not include a fork or spork to eat them with. WTF, I get more from McDonalds.
@GiddYupJoe @shar I have the same complex, more so with electronics boxes. I think it's a "Ya never know..." mentality in case I ever needed it. More likely my OCD, I have made a practice of purging annually though and ridding the boxes that are too old or no longer relevant.

Unfortunately the box the boat came in was too big to keep. ?

I feel your pain!
@GiddYupJoe @shar I have the same complex, more so with electronics boxes. I think it's a "Ya never know..." mentality in case I ever needed it. More likely my OCD, I have made a practice of purging annually though and ridding the boxes that are too old or no longer relevant.

Unfortunately the box the boat came in was too big to keep. ?

I feel your pain!
Me too.....OCD collector of electronics boxes! I have two shelves full of them! Boxes from: Echos, Apple TV, Apple Phones, Samsung phones, Ring devices (lots), Cameras, Garmin GPS, Google WIFI, Microsoft Surfaces, and so much more.....Yes....I have a problem.
Me too.....OCD collector of electronics boxes! I have two shelves full of them! Boxes from: Echos, Apple TV, Apple Phones, Samsung phones, Ring devices (lots), Cameras, Garmin GPS, Google WIFI, Microsoft Surfaces, and so much more.....Yes....I have a problem.
They make them so damn fancy nowadays that you feel guilty tossing such a pretty box away!
I spotted these ads while surfing Craigs list a few nights ago. The money is appealing but I just can’t see myself renting my boat out to strangers, maybe my waverunners but ....
