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I was certain you had seen the commercial of Phil Swift, the Flex Tape inventor, cutting a boat in half and repairing it with Flex Tape, then taking it out on a lake. Classic infomercial stuff.
I recall that commercial now that you reminded me of it. I was surprised to find this at Home Depot. My son and I specifically went looking for it when our free portable basket ball hoop base sprung a leak as I was moving it. I have no doubt what was shown in the commercial is true. This stuff holds very well, I needed pliers and a lot of elbow grease to take it off. Also note it is thicker and stickier than tear aid, it’s also a lot less expensive.
What type of aircraft?
@biglar155 Looks rideable! ?My wife and I spend a LOT of time up in the Keweenaw, closer to Mt. Bohemia though in Lac La Bell.
I saw this at an Asian fried chicken restaurant. I usually tip anyway and more now with COVID 19 impacts but I left a little more than usual because of the sign on the tip jar (and in part because the chicks were friendly, cute and didnt F up my order).
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Here are the participation rules regarding the in person high school graduation that my family must comply with. We wanted to drive the convertible but are happy that something other than a virtual graduation ceremony will be conducted. The ceremony is structured into 1.5 hour increments over two day. The graduate and his/her family drive up to a stage setup on the football field/track, the grad gets out of the car walks the stage, shakes the principles hand and accepts their diploma before stopping to all the family and school to take pics. Once done the grad gets back on the car and dives/rides away with his/her family. It’s not what we expected but it is a lot more than we had just a few days ago.
@biglar155 Looks rideable! ?My wife and I spend a LOT of time up in the Keweenaw, closer to Mt. Bohemia though in Lac La Bell.

Cool! Mom's house is on the main street in Hubbell and her cottage is about 5 miles past the Dreamland on the Bootjack road.
Installed the third engine on the Beneteau today...the foresail, a 135% genoa on the furler. Lack of wind conditions were perfect for doing it in the slip without the sail flogging around. It's the blue sail wrapped around the forestay. USCG station in the background, blue roof.


I also installed the rest of the floor boards, cabin sole boards today...I think we are both stoked with the end result. If you saw what was there you would get it.



The two lower panels were worn teak veneer and the rest were dark mahogany veneer.

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I love that picture of your sail boat reflecting off the water.
@zipper That floor though...I’m in awe of woodworkers and people that have the gift for it. When I build things I do it in steel or aluminum. Metal seems more forgiving to me, heck if I cut a 1/4” short I can fill that with weld. If I have a piece 1’ too short I can add that on and nobody will ever know. Way more room for error. bravo my friend, a true craftsman.
Thank you sir. I have been trying to invent a board stretcher for many years, lol. I agree, metal is more forgiving, although I have found you can add pieces together if you screw up, ask me how I know, using epoxy and making it nearly seamless and very strong. Not something I did on the sole panels, but it has saved my backside more than once.
@zipper That floor though...I’m in awe of woodworkers and people that have the gift for it. When I build things I do it in steel or aluminum. Metal seems more forgiving to me, heck if I cut a 1/4” short I can fill that with weld. If I have a piece 1’ too short I can add that on and nobody will ever know. Way more room for error. bravo my friend, a true craftsman.

I dabble in metal too. I designed, cut, shaped, drilled and with the help of a friend who appreciates use of my trails for his whole family, so he Tig welded this anchor roller for me. He did a great job. Now, I have an urge to buy a tig welder. I need to release a bolt holding the stem head fitting in order to mount. A job for Debond in the near future.

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