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Dude you have got to be over weight somewhere!
Absolutely! 10k boat plus trailer no dot or anything just drove through. Figured I would take advantage of the Covid Mess. What Trooper wants to deal with two people from New York during these times. Had to sign an affidavit with all of my information going into Florida but they were fine with me just getting a boat and leaving. If it was during normal times I would not of made the trip if I got pulled over it would’ve got real expensive.
I know there are some here who already have their own Cannon. And I am not talking about a tennis ball cannon. If I had a way to get this purchase deemed as "essential" to boating, by the wife, I could chase other sailboats around, raise the "skull and crossbones" and fire shot across their bow with a cannon from a Winchester 10ga. signal cannon. The Cannon Store | Winchester 98 Signal Cannon
Check out the link, there are some very nice cannon here.

Now where do I cut the hole for the gun port? ;)


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I know there are some here who already have their own Cannon. And I am not talking about a tennis ball cannon. If I had a way to get this purchase deemed as "essential" to boating, by the wife, I could chase other sailboats around, raise the "skull and crossbones" and fire shot across their bow with a cannon from a Winchester 10ga. signal cannon. The Cannon Store | Winchester 98 Signal Cannon
Check out the link, there are some very nice cannon here.

Now where do I cut the hole for the gun port? ;)

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There’s a pirate cruise ship that runs daily entertainment cruises out of Ft Myers, FL. An afternoon cruise for kids/family and an evening cruise for adults. They fire the cannon at sunset.

I always imagined it was huge, based on the noise it makes... until we finally took the kids on the cruise. Was very disappointing to finally see that the thing was only 1 ft long. Lol
This is what Willow saw...

With the $1,200 quote in mind I went over board at pep boys and spent over $300 on boat cleaning/maintenance materials and tools (mostly tools). I will probably return some of the supplies as I read up on what people recommend here.

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Take that SudsNspray back and get a foam cannon and a pressure washer. You'll like it a lot more, IMO

Working rightnow , but I have a cheap portable pressure washer from Walmart that works great for the boat that I'll post up later
The last part of my new sound system came in, an rgb led controller. I’m hoping to install it today and connect it to an open low level subwoofer output (thanks for the tip @redthumper9) so that my speaker LEDs will react to the sound of bass only. 6CBCA24A-BA5B-4045-9EF6-4A68E46B81BB.jpeg
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First boat on Shelburne Bay sailing out in front of LCYC with last nights snow covering the mountains in the background. Out working on the boat, getting ready for launch. Hopefully 5/18.


The last part of my new sound system came in, an rgb led controller. I’m hoping to install it today and connect it to an open low level subwoofer output (thanks for the tip @redthumper9) so that my speaker LEDs will react to the sound of bass only. View attachment 118636
Let me know how it works for you! When I did it, you literally use the sub level control on the head unit to adjust the sensitivity of the lights.
Orange Beach, AL
@redthumper9 , the connection to one of the free sub outputs on the head unit is not working, I tried all three and the output on my subwoofer amp and all of the sources cause a buzzing noise in the other speakers in that zone. I even tried plugging my phone into the unit directly and still go the same result. I may still keep it instead of the fusion unit. The remote feels better and it seems to have more modes.
After two months of walking nearly five days a week, Rose is finally walking decent. As long as we don't see another dog she'll walk with a lose lead. I just hold enough to keep it off the ground. When we do see other dogs, it's hit and miss. With larger dogs, there's about a 60% chance she'll be in the vicinity of proper position. Little poofy dogs cause all the gears in her brain to strip.

She's a mule-head though. Frigging Ridgeback. Every other dog I've had was walking like this for me in a matter of days.

It's supposed to rain for the next couple of days here. I fully expect her to revert to "stupid" mode when it's nice enough to walk again.
View attachment 118797
After two months of walking nearly five days a week, Rose is finally walking decent. As long as we don't see another dog she'll walk with a lose lead. I just hold enough to keep it off the ground. When we do see other dogs, it's hit and miss. With larger dogs, there's about a 60% chance she'll be in the vicinity of proper position. Little poofy dogs cause all the gears in her brain to strip.

She's a mule-head though. Frigging Ridgeback. Every other dog I've had was walking like this for me in a matter of days.

It's supposed to rain for the next couple of days here. I fully expect her to revert to "stupid" mode when it's nice enough to walk again.
Any tricks? Or, when do you start that? We have a new puppy, almost 9 weeks old now. He’s very sporadic. Lol. I’m feeling like it’s still too soon for much training.
Any tricks? Or, when do you start that? We have a new puppy, almost 9 weeks old now. He’s very sporadic. Lol. I’m feeling like it’s still too soon for much training.

The trick is getting her out of bed. ? She's a Humane Society Rescue so we had never even heard of a Ridgeback before we got her. Fortunately whatever she's mixed with has kept her size reasonable (around 55lbs). After the vet hypothesized that she might be Ridgeback, we looked it up. Pretty incredible mix actually. The part about "short, high energy bursts in between long periods of rest" is what confirmed the suspicion long before the first time she saw another dog: The otherwise flat hair on her back nearly stood up in a mowhawk. She looks like a hyena when she's mad.

We got her a couple years ago. The wife and kids normally walk her off-and-on but never regularly and never to my standard of behavior.

Part of the training issue is definitely the late start - and inconsistency among family members. That's on us. (Past dogs were "Before Kids" so there was a lot more time to spend on training and we were a lot more consistent.) That said, she is completely mule-head stubborn.

As far as when you should start training a puppy, I'm not qualified to answer that one. I always go the "used dog" approach. ("You got a used dog Charlie Brown") I think it's like kids - by the time you realize they understand you, you're probably starting later than you could have.

The important thing is to be consistent. The more consistent the whole family is, the better. If it's a "no" now, it should be a "no" later as well. Dogs don't really understand situational differences. I fight an uphill battle with my family there but I don't plan to use her for hunting, or for show. Her main job is to hold down the blanket on the end of the couch.

In my world, dogs are allowed on the furniture (and me) but they dang well better walk properly on a leash.
