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Discovered one of the hose sillcocks was cracked....which of course turned into a Home Depot trip on a Saturday afternoon....

Discovered one of the hose sillcocks was cracked....which of course turned into a Home Depot trip on a Saturday afternoon....

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How long did you wait in line to get in to Home Depot?
I went two Saturday afternoons in a row and it took 20 to 25 mins to get in.
Took off the Muck boots and put on the Boat shoes for the first time since October.
Going to do some long awaited work on the Sailboat.


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Discovered one of the hose sillcocks was cracked....which of course turned into a Home Depot trip on a Saturday afternoon....

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I got lucky not sure how....walked right in to my surprise. Went to Ace first...waited in line there only to discover they were out of sillcocks entirely!
Another Covid project done
At this rate i wont have anything to do for years to come.
Painted my shed to match the house colors
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I got u covered neutron. I havent been at home at all other than normal work days.... my listed things to do is long and the money I have to spend is short!! I'm just a 2 hour ride away !!!
I got u covered neutron. I havent been at home at all other than normal work days.... my listed things to do is long and the money I have to spend is short!! I'm just a 2 hour ride away !!!
I am on a work 2 day off 2 day schedule so i am getting plenty of time to get my crap done.
List left finish extending and staining boardwalk and apply second coat of stain on both bridges
Spray waterproofing on boat cover
Rejex the boat
Install my shutoff tow valves on boat
Change all three belts on my mower
Put away and organize all the crap i have left out from all my projects that are left all over the place in the shed and garage lol
Paint all the peeling trim on my house

Jeannine wants me to build my pergola project on my deck but its gonna require 4 16 foot 6x6s and my idea is gonna require some time to build it right.
So its a next winter project for sure. Its gonna be amazing. Gonna be built through and to the existing deck.
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I saw this article...

Phineus last night 4/28 relaxing on the dock. His favorite spot...
An 85 inch surface pro (see the stylus on the left). If it was $1,700 instead of $17,000 I’d be enjoying the hell out of it until the stay at home order expires. Currently this is what my company uses to check employees into the building everyday.
Rainy day projects...putting epoxy on a new black cherry blank panel for the nav station. It will hold the radios and ac/dc breaker panels on the Beneteau.

Also the mahogany rudder for the 1976 14' O'Day Javelin

And the mortise and tenon joints of the front and rear frames of the black cherry folding steps.

All of the Black Cherry came from trees on our Vermont property. I felled, skidded, sawmilled, stacked air dried 15+ years ago, cut, planed, shaped and finished myself. I wondered if I would ever use the wood I put up so long ago.
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This is new....
Range officer at the club today

This is my friend's RX7 he is building, everything is custom made every hose, vacuum line, oil line etc. He also makes his own wiring harness and it will all be hidden.
Custom V-mount for the intercooler and radiator.
This guy is particular to the extreme.
He already owns a 94 supra he built to the same quality with 1200hp.
This is gonna be about 550ish with the built twin turbos. This car has only 10000 original miles and that blue is a wrap. Even the engine bay

Coronavirus DIY To-Go bloody mary we picked up with dinner last night. I had a replacement chaser, so I may have started early on that to preserve the drink for enjoyment with the meal