So looking at what you guys did, what I have available, and the shape/size of my transducer, I may do something similar, but perhaps without the aluminum.
Looking at the spot I have (will actually be the other side, but easier to photograph this side right now), I will likely go in a similar spot as you guys, but think I will move it forward to the front of the ride plate.
View attachment 96524
As you can see from this image, it would be a little high still and the side view might be reduced some, so I was thinking I might add a starboard block (that I have laying around) to lower it some more).
View attachment 96525
I just cut a couple of slices and taped them together for eyeball purposes....this is what I was thinking.....(anyone know what kind of glue I can use to permanently join king starboard?)
The only thing I need to check on this is the rudder swing....I don't think it goes far enough to hit the transducer...but I will have to check on that. Also, I'd round off that leading edge so water flows over it more smoothly.
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