Personally I would not trust the FDA to tell me what flavor of Slurpee to buy at the local 7-Eleven but that’s just me.
please explain why the FDA just approved Adulhem for Alzheimer’s over the overwhelmingobjections of its own experts and advisers.
Statisticians at the Food and Drug Administration opposed this month's agency approval of a controversial Alzheimer’s drug, saying there was not enough evidence to prove the treatment works.
The objections by Office of Biostatistics Director Sylva Collins, reviewer Tristan Massie and other agency statisticians are detailed in documents that the FDA released Tuesday. The criticisms align with those from a panel of external FDA advisers who voted last fall that there was not enough evidence to prove the drug from Biogen, known as Aduhelm, is effective.”
All these experts who were just following the science were overruled by the top brass.
This treatment will cost 56,000 (THIS IS NOT A TYPO) per year per patient. There is an estimated 6 million potential patients. Not enough numbers on my calculator to figure out the staggering amount of money to be made.
So follow the science unless Biogen can make billions upon billions of dollars using a drug that nobody but the bosses agree will have any benefit.
“Three FDA advisory committee membersresigned in protest over the drug approval. Other critics have warned that the high cost, coupled with the need for expensive diagnostic procedures and regular screening of patients who take the medication, could overwhelm the health care system. Nearly 6 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease.”
This is just one example of how things work in the real world. It’s been said since the beginning of time FOLLOW THE MONEY.
FDA gave the drug conditional approval earlier this month, making it the first new Alzheimer’s therapy approved in nearly 20 years.