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The Vaccine

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Funny that my post linking to the article about the CDC and messing up the Florida numbers has disappeared but is still included in other’s responses to it. What’s wrong didn’t fit the pro vaccine narrative ? Thanks for proving the point not to trust anything about this plandemic!

I will not tolerate the posting of harmful political disinformation. Please stick to reputable sources in the future.
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I will not tolerate the posting of harmful political disinformation. Please stick to reputable sources in the future.
Oh great, the sole arbiter of the truth has spoken ?
Here is a classic to celebrate the edict:
@Chip F., I love Monty Python. Great clip.
I will not tolerate the posting of harmful political disinformation. Please stick to reputable sources in the future.

So the mods will delete something they “think” is disinformation (not saying it is true or not) But when people ask for threads to be deleted they ignore that.

This sort of censorship drives anti-vaxxers, and causes pro-vaxxers to lose credibility. If doesn’t fit the narrative, delete it. Flat out pathetic. Funny how social media sites did that at the beginning of the pandemic about the virus being man-made and then a year later it was ok to talk about it. Censorship and controlling a worldwide narrative is 100x scarier than any virus.
IMHO, the difference is that between this thread and the other thread is that good folks who rely on sources like this (and do not have an understanding of science) may not be losing a couple of bucks buying a boat, but could die. We are a point in time with the virus, where hundreds of our fellow Americans are needlessly dying, each day, from a preventable disease. Their poor decisions are also affecting others, including children. In many areas of the country hospital beds are once again filling up with covid patients to the point that beds are no longer available for ANY patients.

I am not a proponent of censorship. But when the disinformation is intentional to drive a political narrative and results in thousands of people dying, it is no longer a free speech issue.

Haven't seen Monty Python is a looong time. I grew up watching Monty Python's Flying Circus! :winkingthumbsup"

Just reporting in from Cabo San Lucas mexico. Not much to say about the vaccine but I have seen several public testing sites downtown and the resort I’m at offers testing and and offers travel insurance at the time the test reservation is made, we made our reservations a few days before our trip started, $15 per test and we had the results that night. After I got the results I was tempted to joke, “bad news, all of us had negative test results, so we have to go home instead of stay”. My wife and I brought our work laptops and cell phones with us just in case we did have to stay but I’m glad we don’t.

my 18 year old son and his friend that came with us this time around went into town to see how the night life scene that we hear every night and see people leaving the resort for. They were back within two hours. Legal drinking age here is 18 but there are few clubs and many bars in the area. All of them were packed to their Covid capacity limits by 10p, so many party goers are just walking the streets outside of these places. The business are all pumping music (which made me think the party scene here is a lot more active than it really is) but for the most part all of the business’ employees are wearing Masks and enforcing capacity restrictions. Even on shuttle buses/mini vans and boat rides. The clear boat tour I took had seats for 15 guests but Covid has a 40% limit so only 6 of those seats were filled. It’s hurting business but I believe their mentality is 40% is a hell of a lot better than 39% or less. As a community the locals are taking Covid restrictions very seriously, unlike most of the vacationers from the U.S. at least that I’ve seen.

We were at a buffet here at the resort a few days ago (same buffet line but the employees handle the food from the buffet to your plate) when an unmasked guest behind us started coughing while facing the food. His response, “I’m not worried about Covid, I’ve been a smoker for over 30 years.” My party and self were smart enough not to respond, the staff replaced all the food that guy was around during his coughing fit. It’s worth noting that most of the vacationers I meet are from the west coast states (CA, OR, WA and AK). I think it’s easier for them to come here (travel north to south) because the time doesn’t change much and may be cheaper than flying to HA or the east coast.
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needlessly dying, each day, from a preventable disease.

its not preventable.
i personally know several people who have gotten the vaccine and have covid right now
neither a mask, nor the vaccine will prevent you from getting it.
Imagine that you just bought your new jet boat and while trying to find information on your new toy you come across this website and the first thread that you see is “The Vaccine”. Based on how this thread went from an honest attempt by @BigN8 to give people a place to post their experiences with the different vaccines, to a bitch fight between the tinfoil hat crowd and the intellectual elite crowd, would you be more or less likely to create an account?

This thread has turned this site into the boating equivalent of ESPN where the powers that be decided that those that tune in to get the latest baseball scores are also exposed to commentary about any number of politically driven race/social/economic topics. For fucks sake, I just want to see the Brewers/Cubs highlights on ESPN and jet boat related things on the jet boat forum. I get enough of the real world during the 98% of my day when I’m not on this forum - this is usually a refuge for me and I’m guessing many others. Shouldn‘t this site be a place where we discuss things that bring us together (you know, jet boats) instead of things that drive a wedge between normally nice people?

Shame on the mods for allowing this thread to go this far off the rails and not locking it or putting it back on track to its originally intended use. I’ll stick by my comment earlier that this thread would have been locked a long time ago if some of the mods that fall into the intellectual elite crowd weren’t leading the vax charge. If I’ve learned anything about intellectual elites, they love to hear themselves talk and this thread only confirms it.

Now we’ve gotten into the censorship stage which pushes this dumpster fire even closer to the proverbial cliffs edge. I believe that some posts in this thread have already been edited and/or removed by the mods. I would like to know if this is true and how many times it has happened?

My suggestion for this thread (if it’s not put out if it’s misery) is that it return to what bign8 originally intended it to be (unless bign8 is OK with the current trajectory) and limit it to replies about members personal experience with the vaccines. Get rid of the constant back and forth between the two warring factions - none of the arguments on either side are going to change their minds.

And for transparency's sake, I got my first dose of Pfizer last Sunday and suffered no ill effects. I initially waited so that those high risk folks (the line of work that I’m in put me in the 1B group) could get it first and since I travel so much getting a weekend appointment was almost impossible. I’m also one of those people that never gets sick - cold, flu, nothing - and wasn‘t really worried about COVID. My main reason for getting the vaccine is I usually travel to Europe at least once per year and if it’s required in certain countries I will need to have it. I also see where this is heading and I don’t want our country to go back to another lock down - I think we’ve all been through enough.

I think I’m gonna start a poll later about this thread, we’ll see if censorship extends to threads about this thread.

Oh, and as previously asked, can we please get a forum function that makes a thread completely disappear??
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its not preventable.
i personally know several people who have gotten the vaccine and have covid right now
neither a mask, nor the vaccine will prevent you from getting it.
a 9:10 ratio of the unvaxed? Yeah most hospitalizations are preventable. When one disease takes up 90% of your admissions due to outright ambivalence and non compliance? Is it preventable? No one from the medical community claims the vaccine is 100% preventive. It only serves to minimize symptoms. The ability to get covid and spread it is still possible. I thought this point was well covered in this thread.
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Imagine that you just bought your new jet boat and while trying to find information on your new toy you come across this website and the first thread that you see is “The Vaccine”. Based on how this thread went from an honest attempt by @BigN8 to give people a place to post their experiences with the different vaccines, to a bitch fight between the tinfoil hat crowd and the intellectual elite crowd, would you be more or less likely to create an account?

This thread has turned this site into the boating equivalent of ESPN where the powers that be decided that those that tune in to get the latest baseball scores are also exposed to commentary about any number of politically driven race/social/economic topics. For fucks sake, I just want to see the Brewers/Cubs highlights on ESPN and jet boat related things on the jet boat forum. I get enough of the real world during the 98% of my day when I’m not on this forum - this is usually a refuge for me and I’m guessing many others. Shouldn‘t this site be a place where we discuss things that bring us together (you know, jet boats) instead of things that drive a wedge between normally nice people?

Shame on the mods for allowing this thread to go this far off the rails and not locking it or putting it back on track to its originally intended use. I’ll stick by my comment earlier that this thread would have been locked a long time ago if some of the mods that fall into the intellectual elite crowd weren’t leading the vax charge. If I’ve learned anything about intellectual elites, they love to hear themselves talk and this thread only confirms it.

Now we’ve gotten into the censorship stage which pushes this dumpster fire even closer to the proverbial cliffs edge. I believe that some posts in this thread have already been edited and/or removed by the mods. I would like to know if this is true and how many times it has happened?

My suggestion for this thread (if it’s not put out if it’s misery) is that it return to what bign8 originally intended it to be (unless bign8 is OK with the current trajectory) and limit it to replies about members personal experience with the vaccines. Get rid of the constant back and forth between the two warring factions - none of the arguments on either side are going to change their minds.

And for transparency's sake, I got my first dose of Pfizer last Sunday and suffered no ill effects. I initially waited so that those high risk folks (the line of work that I’m in put me in the 1B group) could get it first and since I travel so much getting a weekend appointment was almost impossible. I’m also one of those people that never gets sick - cold, flu, nothing - and wasn‘t really worried about COVID. My main reason for getting the vaccine is I usually travel to Europe at least once per year and if it’s required in certain countries I will need to have it. I also see where this is heading and I don’t want our country to go back to another lock down - I think we’ve all been through enough.

I think I’m gonna stat a poll later about this thread, we’ll see if censorship extends to threads about this thread.

Oh, and as previously asked, can we please get a forum function that makes a thread completely disappear??

Say no more, you just said exactly how I feel for this thread now. I’d archive it and move on, it’s not getting any better.. Everyone has their own opinion and sadly it may be enforced more with emotion than logic (for both sides). Everything we think we know about covid will likely change in a few months anyhow.

I just met someone at Mozingo lake yesterday interested in getting a 24ft jet boat. We showed him ours and just explained all the benefits of switching, maybe with some bias lol. He hasn’t heard of the forum and I told him to look it up because it will have everything he needs to know about the certain model his family wants.. I wouldn’t want him seeing this thread logging on for the first time ?
Imagine that you just bought your new jet boat and while trying to find information on your new toy you come across this website and the first thread that you see is “The Vaccine”. Based on how this thread went from an honest attempt by @BigN8 to give people a place to post their experiences with the different vaccines, to a bitch fight between the tinfoil hat crowd and the intellectual elite crowd, would you be more or less likely to create an account?

This thread has turned this site into the boating equivalent of ESPN where the powers that be decided that those that tune in to get the latest baseball scores are also exposed to commentary about any number of politically driven race/social/economic topics. For fucks sake, I just want to see the Brewers/Cubs highlights on ESPN and jet boat related things on the jet boat forum. I get enough of the real world during the 98% of my day when I’m not on this forum - this is usually a refuge for me and I’m guessing many others. Shouldn‘t this site be a place where we discuss things that bring us together (you know, jet boats) instead of things that drive a wedge between normally nice people?

Shame on the mods for allowing this thread to go this far off the rails and not locking it or putting it back on track to its originally intended use. I’ll stick by my comment earlier that this thread would have been locked a long time ago if some of the mods that fall into the intellectual elite crowd weren’t leading the vax charge. If I’ve learned anything about intellectual elites, they love to hear themselves talk and this thread only confirms it.

Now we’ve gotten into the censorship stage which pushes this dumpster fire even closer to the proverbial cliffs edge. I believe that some posts in this thread have already been edited and/or removed by the mods. I would like to know if this is true and how many times it has happened?

My suggestion for this thread (if it’s not put out if it’s misery) is that it return to what bign8 originally intended it to be (unless bign8 is OK with the current trajectory) and limit it to replies about members personal experience with the vaccines. Get rid of the constant back and forth between the two warring factions - none of the arguments on either side are going to change their minds.

And for transparency's sake, I got my first dose of Pfizer last Sunday and suffered no ill effects. I initially waited so that those high risk folks (the line of work that I’m in put me in the 1B group) could get it first and since I travel so much getting a weekend appointment was almost impossible. I’m also one of those people that never gets sick - cold, flu, nothing - and wasn‘t really worried about COVID. My main reason for getting the vaccine is I usually travel to Europe at least once per year and if it’s required in certain countries I will need to have it. I also see where this is heading and I don’t want our country to go back to another lock down - I think we’ve all been through enough.

I think I’m gonna start a poll later about this thread, we’ll see if censorship extends to threads about this thread.

Oh, and as previously asked, can we please get a forum function that makes a thread completely disappear??
Personally, I’m good with locking this thread and allowing it to drift off into the sunset like Wilson in “Castaway”. I believe it has served its purpose and it truly has become a contentious topic that I’m tired of seeing.
its not preventable.
i personally know several people who have gotten the vaccine and have covid right now
neither a mask, nor the vaccine will prevent you from getting it.

Respectfully, almost ALL covid related deaths in this country are preventable.

97-98% of the current covid related hospitalizations and 99% of covid related deaths are in unvaccinated people.

I will take a break from ourselves and this disease and for a moment mention the millions in Afghanistan that are about to go under a brutal theocracy. The thousands in Haiti dealing with an earthquake and soon a tropical storm. Numerous other places and just say: Peace
a 9:10 ratio of the unvaxed? Yeah most hospitalizations are preventable. When one disease takes up 90% of your admissions due to outright ambivalence and non compliance? Is it preventable? No one from the medical community claims the vaccine is 100% preventive. It only serves to minimize symptoms. The ability to get covid and spread it is still possible. I thought this point was well covered in this thread.
It has been covered. Here and every where else. People willingly choose to ignore it.
Respectfully, almost ALL covid related deaths in this country are preventable.

97-98% of the current covid related hospitalizations and 99% of covid related deaths are in unvaccinated people.

So you are saying our healthcare workers are simply doing a shit job and could have saved the 600-800k deaths if they'd just done a better job????

Regarding the deletion of that post, admins have discussed that, and we will only delete after multiple admins agree it violates our rules. That post did not, but also wasn't really deleted as it was quoted fully by others.

As for if we should allow discussions on non boating topics....we decided we should. There was heated discussions on if we should allow partisan politics, but a member vote said no, so that's our policy.

I've learned a ton about lots of non boating stuff here!!!
a 9:10 ratio of the unvaxed? Yeah most hospitalizations are preventable. When one disease takes up 90% of your admissions due to outright ambivalence and non compliance? Is it preventable? No one from the medical community claims the vaccine is 100% preventive. It only serves to minimize symptoms. The ability to get covid and spread it is still possible. I thought this point was well covered in this thread.
so what is the purupose of the mask for those who have the vaccine
if everyone gets the vaccine... it will still be status quo to mandate the mask.
Lot of rants on a Sunday morning.

I hope those of you complaining about @Chip F. article being censored actually read it. It’s not a differing opinion, it’s straight up spin and conspiracy around a reporting error driven the CDCs misinterpretation of the inconsistent way FL reports cases over the weekend now. Legitimate articles do not include the words “China virus”, “Fauci Flu”, “plandemic”, etc.

There is a difference between sharing a point of view, some of which are presented compellingly here, and just reposting conspiracy site propaganda with no context.

We’re a pretty smart and respectful group and this discussion is vastly more respectful than a similar conversation would be on Facebook. Why not show each other the respect of not posting blatant extremism from any angle?
So you are saying our healthcare workers are simply doing a shit job and could have saved the 600-800k deaths if they'd just done a better job????

Absolutely NOT!

Going back to my post (#1166) "We are a point in time with the virus, where hundreds of our fellow Americans are needlessly dying, each day, from a preventable disease."

Post #1175, "97-98% of the current covid related hospitalizations and 99% of covid related deaths are in unvaccinated people."

The point being, almost all Americans at this point in time have the ability to get vaccinated. The overwhelming majority of folks dying, at this point in time, are folks who are NOT vaccinated or are not fully vaccinated.

I think our healthcare workers have done a heroric job of trying to save lives all though this pandemic. Many of them risking their own lives in doing so. Quite honestly, I believe that if our healthcare workers were not so dedicated to their profession, we could have easily had 100,000's of additional covid related deaths in this country.

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