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Yamaha gang plank

So how small to they roll up? Got a pic?
It fits in either of the two center storage compartments in my 08-10 212x
No pictures at the moment. I plan to hang it over my deck to dry tomorrow so I'll try and remember to snap a picture. It weighs about 40lbs.
So how small to they roll up? Got a pic?
Deflate using pump exhaust port and fold up kind of like a bedsheet. Store in ski locker and unload at home to dry out. I don't think rolling it up would save space to store.
Deflate using pump exhaust port and fold up kind of like a bedsheet. Store in ski locker and unload at home to dry out. I don't think rolling it up would save space to store.
@mark_m 's suggestion is the best approach, but I was able to roll it up in the water and then fold it in half and get it on the boat. Then sitting on it a little longer shrank it enough for me to fold it 3 ways and fit it into my center storage compartment in the floor. Sometimes if the kids are playing on it, I'll pull the plug and they deflate it nicely.
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I fold mine up and keep it under the front seat very easily.