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2020 FSH210 Binnacle Trim Switch


Jetboaters Lieutenant
Reaction score
Low Country Ga.
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FSH Sport
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I wanted to put my Cruise assist switch on the binnacle instead of the normal placement by the steering wheel. I needed more space for an additional bilge switch and high water level alarm system I am installing. Anyhow, I'm only posting this because the switch is a major Pain to find part numbers for. So, If anyone ever wanted to utilize this and couldn't figure out the part number, this post is for you. :winkingthumbsup" Yamaha PN# 704-82563-8020240829_174928.jpg20240829_174023.jpgIMG_0438.jpg


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Dude that’s brilliant! Wish I’d thought of that! Anyones who’s boat utilizes the 704 binnacle could do this.

As a fyi and possibly to help you free up some real estate.. I modified the oem switch panel to make more room for switches.

This is the first iteration ..

But I did not like the level of back lighting for daytime use, so I switched the buttons out for brighter ones. Switch on lower left is the manual DVSR activation switch.


For reference here is a pic I harvested of what the oem panel looked like.

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Does the switch work for both the cruise assist and the raw water wash down or just the cruise assist?
I haven't checked the wiring for the Wash down, I guess it should be the same as the cruise 2 position momentary. I sure wish I could find a way to have a custom rocker cover made so it would look more OEM. I thought about ordering another one for the wash down to free up even more space, but thought It may be confusing for someone if I sold the boat with two up down switches on the Binnacle. A "P" touch label would look pretty ghetto, but I'm sure someone could 3D print something. It sure is more ergonomic for the cruise switch to be on the binnacle, It feels more natural to rest your hand there. The connection I made here was only temporary for testing by the way, I environmentally spliced things together after but have no pictures of that.


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The up / down on the switch works as far as I’m concerned for the cruise assist works very well.

I wonder if New Wire Marine might have a labeling solution for a second switch which would be for the raw water wash down rpm increase button. Maybe they could make you an oem looking sticker that would affix to the binnacle that would delineate functionality?

For that matter, is there really any difference between the raw water wash down rpm increase button and the No Wake functionality of the cruise assist? As in does one really need the raw water wash down rpm increase button if No Wake does the same thing? Perhaps Yamaha added the raw water wash down button to keep from confusing people? 🤷🏼‍♂️
Doesn't the raw water wash down give you a higher RPM than the No Wake button?
Doesn't the raw water wash down give you a higher RPM than the No Wake button?
That's a good question. I never paid attention to RPMs comparing either independently. Honestly, I thought about doing away with the jet wash all together. IMO it is under powered and weak even at the highest jet wash RPM setting. I find 6500 RPM a minimum to be sufficient for flow and pressure. I like what FSH210 Did with his wash down pump, But for some reason cant find the disposable time to get that project done.
I think the rpms are the same between the no wake and the raw water wash down.

I kept my oem raw water wash down in place and just spliced in the electric pump output, but I leave the oem sea cock on the transom closed most of the time. The electric pump will not work under way since the pick up is not a high speed type so it will just pull air. So what I do sometime is clean the deck while on the water with the electric system and my deck brush, but the stern doesn’t sit low enough to promote good water flow out the deck drain(s) when you’re up front.

So as @Dixemon eludes to, I will shut off the electric pump, then open the sea cock on the transom for the OEM system, then get the boat on the hump with the bow up as high as it will go, then use the oem raw water wash down that way. I’ll walk up front and start hosing the deck down and the water rushes to the stern where it goes right overboard, even the 5 gallon bucket locker hatch drain will empty out this way.

Sometimes I put two 5 gallon buckets full of lake water on the stern to weight it down some and that helps a lot with getting the water to run to the transom and then overboard,