Watched the vid… the authors admission at the end that this vid is an essay of influence did not go unnoticed as the vid reached the 2/3‘s mark as crucial information was left out, especially the fact that the virus was the reason for oil‘s crash and negative pricing. While the vid author states this as unprecedented, in point of fact, the unprecedented nature of oils crash was the unprecedented shutdown of the worlds economy and demand for all intents and purposes stopped, and this is not mentioned as part of his persuasive essay, which makes his essay… dubious. The causation for oils 2020 crash is left as some existential occurrence….
To be fair, the historical aspect of oil, the Caspian Sea, the fact that pipelines are 3-5 times cheaper as far as transportation cost goes, as well the safety and ecological gains of pipelines was refreshing to see.
The author also states that the BLM has 9000 unused drilling permits, but fails to mention how many are tied up in court, and more importantly how many of those leases are not reachable due to the BLM not granting road building access to the permit holders..
The vid’s author states this is the end of oil.. hardly. Oil as a fuel is only one part of what oil is used for, another glaring omission by the author. The author also states that renewables are here to stay, also an incorrect assumption as the economy of oil, and its associated tax revenue to the government, is where the government gets a large amount of its money to subsidize these “renewables”, for without these subsidies the renewable industry could not exist. Further asserted by the author is that these renewables are clean, nothing could be further from the truth, with the exception of hydro and geothermal, all other forms of renewables are a net carbon gain, and produce huge amounts of highly toxic waste products. As stated in my other posts on this subject, wind turbines and solar panels never generate the amount of power that it took to produce them, they are in fact produced by fossil fuels. As a way to diversify the IPR, wind and solar do make some but little sense, mainly due to their intermittency and non dispatchable nature. For without oil, these renewables could not be produced.
As the world economy sorts out all of the knots in the logistical system oil demand will continue to grow, and as such demand will continue to grow. The power of profit will tip the scales towards higher production, and the ensuing bum rush to produce more oil to seek profit will be great. Another persuasive essay could be made as to the ulterior motives behind the driving forces of the world markets.