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How many wake surfers do we have here?

Filling up with weight isnt an issue for us we usually just sit on the sand bar while one boat is filling up and pop a few tops. ( We usually go out with 1or 2 other yamahas so one boat stays full for surf and another is ready for what ever else we decide to do. I haven't noticed any trouble getting out of the water with that much weight in the boat (3000+ lbs) but I might as I do it more this summer.
Filling up with weight isnt an issue for us we usually just sit on the sand bar while one boat is filling up and pop a few tops. ( We usually go out with 1or 2 other yamahas so one boat stays full for surf and another is ready for what ever else we decide to do. I haven't noticed any trouble getting out of the water with that much weight in the boat (3000+ lbs) but I might as I do it more this summer.
Interesting to hear that you do not have any struggle getting out of the water with that much weight. I am thinking that probably means that I need to transfer a bit more to the bow.
I don't struggle either. I have 1200lb in floor + 800lbs on the floor. The 1200lbs takes 5 min or less to fill or empty. The 800 another 5min or so - it will be faster this year when I automate the valves. Even with a load of people and the 2000lbs the boat comes out of the water with no struggle at all. I definitely hit 10K RPM with the extra weight and then settle down to 7-8K while surfing. You don' realize how big of a wake you are pushing until your run into one of your own waves. Nasty! Cam.
Weight does not matter on getting up. Only comes into play on size and push of pocket.
Correct. I have no problem getting myself out of the water, it is the boat. With 3,000lbs and a few bodies in the boat, it will struggle to get up to 10moh. I typically have to have someone walk to the bow and it will pop up, but then causes the PP to hunt a bit, so it take a few minute to comfortably settle in a 10mph. Like I said, I am thinking that I am just a bit heavy in the stern.
I have a 800 pound bag in the locker and a 350 pound bag upfront under the left seat. That might help a little. Plus I make people sit up front as well. Try yo make the whole boat sit deeper in the water.
I will definitely need to move mine around a bit. I see that many guys throw quite a bit of weight in the locker. When I have done that in the past, I end up with a nice stream of water in the face. I believe it is the ladder skimming the water.
Correct. I have no problem getting myself out of the water, it is the boat. With 3,000lbs and a few bodies in the boat, it will struggle to get up to 10moh. I typically have to have someone walk to the bow and it will pop up, but then causes the PP to hunt a bit, so it take a few minute to comfortably settle in a 10mph. Like I said, I am thinking that I am just a bit heavy in the stern.

Ahhhh ok. Man I wish I had perfect pass. I'm constantly tweaking the speed.
Like wise on PP. That is on the list for next winter.
Perfect Pass is a little slice of heaven. Makes towing way more stress free, especially at surfing speed. Best money I have spent on my boat. It is expensive up front, but the first time you use it, it becomes worth it.
Weight does not matter on getting up. Only comes into play on size and push of pocket.
I mean getting the boat up out of the water.
I was out on the boat today. 50 ambient and 50 water and was playing with the wake shape, I have no ballast (yet). I got the wake to look best/cleanest with port engine at idle (always must run both engines) and starboard engine doing all the work, volvo trim tabs, port was down in picture, and turning some. I have heard of people using different RPM's on each side before, but don't remember seeing this before, so was just curious. Will need to try it and test this summer.wake with 1 engine idle.jpg
Interesting using one engine and at idle at the other. I wonder how fast you could go and how much back pressure developed on the idle engine before water backs up into the crankcase?
Me and wife can surf with only 350 in front and 350 tied on swim deck. Not idea but can be done when want to get a quick surf session in. Actually wife can surf with no weight. I'm 6'4 200 pounds. Can do it on a 6'8 Ronix riding straight, or a 5'8 Ronix coal with a slight circle. Just bought a LF fish but still not used to it to ride the small wave. Think some folks are over weighting. Or feel it "can't be done" without a ton of weight. Well it can, just get out there and do it.,

Jim and Jill taught my wife @Rana to surf last summer. They were doing great with his two 350 pound bags. They had Rana surfing after a few tries.

Later we switched to my boat and all three surfed and I believe went rope less behind my SX230 with 350 in the bow and ~250 of me on the swim deck.

I think that so much weight may be overkill but if it works for you that is great.
When we run port engine at 7500 and the starboard at 8500, this gets us roughly 10 mph with 2700 to 3000 pounds loaded. It is a huge wake! I wish I could get a clean face and I have taken steps to getting a cleaner face this winter just need to put the boat in the water to test it out.
Interesting using one engine and at idle at the other. I wonder how fast you could go and how much back pressure developed on the idle engine before water backs up into the crankcase?
If the engine is running water won't back up into the crank case.
pics 2013 559.jpg

Here's my youngest surfing. We are running our SX210 with no bags, no tower, no ballast other than crew weight, fast board... so it works. The girls can surf ropeless. I can;t quite get there though. Still love it and is lot's of fun to teach people too. They freak out at being able to surf behind a boat, even if it is with a rope.
Before ballast we found that the magic weight on the swim deck was 1 200lb person for the kids to go ropeless - but not my 215lb lardass. Having 2ea 200lb people back there drinking beer was wake nirvana then. We are using the big hyperlite broadcast board 5'6" which is super easy to surf on but is a wide slow board compared to some. Now we have 1200 lbs built in with an 800lb aux on the swimdeck. In the deck location we find that the wake is a bit too aggressive so this season we are going to experiment with putting the aux bag on the floor, essentially moving the weight a bit forward. Cam.