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SWAG License Plate and Frame Now Available!

Sorry about that Julian. My production guy for that area was on vaca. It's in production today and will ship tomorrow. My bad - I should have let you know about the delay up-front.
@David D - I wanted to check with you to make sure you received my order for the plate frame...
It's in production today and should ship tomorrow. I apologize for the delay - production guy was on vacation.
@David D, no worries just wanted to make sure you received it. Thanks for letting me know!
Still haven't received mine.

Order Number: 126496 Order Date: Monday, January 21, 2019

Here is a pick of my plate on the Audi:

@Rich NW Jboater, did you get this? Please message me privately if you didn't get it. I will research the status. It should have gone out right away!
@Rich NW Jboater, did you get this? Please message me privately if you didn't get it. I will research the status. It should have gone out right away!
Hey @Rich NW Jboater, I checked the system and it does look like these were completed and shipped. So if there's a discrepancy, PM me! Thanks!
Is this still an option for getting a custom license plate holder? I logged in but didn't see any jetboaters products in the catalog.