So today I replaced the impeller housing after concluding (assuming) that that was causing my starting issue, the housing was so swollen it wouldnt allow my prop to spin.
Here is a picture of the old housing, clearly it was rubbing badly.
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And the new one! Beautiful!
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Just waiting on some new grease to come in the mail so I can grease the jet bearings under the cone. (figured since I have everything apart, I may as well do some preventative maintenance)
Now comes the important question, what do you guys think of my impeller? Worth replacing? I put the new impeller housing on the impeller and it did not rub at all, however there appeared to be a bit of space between the impeller and the new housing, but not much. (supposedly its only supposed to clear the housing by a space about the thickness of 3 sheets of paper)
But by looking at the impeller, clearly it was rubbing badly so I can tell the impeller is definitely filed down a bit. Few dings on the blades, but not too bad. What do you guys think? Replace?
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