• Welcome to Jetboaters.net!

    We are delighted you have found your way to the best Jet Boaters Forum on the internet! Please consider Signing Up so that you can enjoy all the features and offers on the forum. We have members with boats from all the major manufacturers including Yamaha, Seadoo, Scarab and Chaparral. We don't email you SPAM, and the site is totally non-commercial. So what's to lose? IT IS FREE!

    Membership allows you to ask questions (no matter how mundane), meet up with other jet boaters, see full images (not just thumbnails), browse the member map and qualifies you for members only discounts offered by vendors who run specials for our members only! (It also gets rid of this banner!)

    free hit counter

Our Operating Costs and Revenue Transparency

I feel like I was a major solicitor of donations on other board and I would be glad to do that again because I have saved thousands of dollars because of the people here but we (the board, please let me speak for the administrators, I am but a member at large) don't want or need any financial donations although the offer is graciously appreciated. The time administrating this board because it is a newer model is only about 1/2 hour per day for moderators.

Your contribution is to participate, help others with their problems and post your expereinces. That will make this place even better than it is now. Now get that avitar and location updated so we know where you are.

If you happen to see Bruce, Julian, Murf or Mel at a gathering or on the lake I'm sure they would be glad to have one on you!
I'm good with the donation button also. Ya'll's time is worth something!
Thanks to all Staff who made this board. This software is light years ahead of PHPBB. I love it!
If contributions are needed, Ill gladly help
Thank you Julian/Murf/Mel/Bruce for all your dedication to helping the Yamaha boaters. Happy to donate and glad I found you.
This is a hypothetical question.

There are several members here that are putting a lot of time and money into this forum. To them I say thanks.
What does this site do in 5 or so years down the road when it has 10,000+ members and is turning a "profit"?
Who will own the content?
@Mud Skipper, the site is owned and operated by a committee. There are no plans to monetize the site. The profit is the knowledge and enjoyment that we all gain by participating.
Well stated Bruce....:thumbsup:
Barbie & I are "In for the Win" whenever you so decide !
This would be Cheap @ Twice ANY PRICE !

And oh Yeah ! ........ Thanks for all y'all do !
Crazy Mikey - Lake Oconee / Windy Paradise, GA
What everyone can do now is keep posting our URL everywhere you can. I've been adding it as a comment to many Jet Boat YouTube videos. I have noticed that they are getting pruned/deleted if you embed the URL, but the latest one I put up with jetboaters dot net was still there last time I checked....

So get the word out. Bring a friend! Email/PM anyone who's missing from that other site....etc
After we get these quick fixes out there: flags , t-shirts, coozies,etc. Would it make sense to start a JB.net gift shop? Serious garb and other affiliated goods. Resonable proceeds could run this site as well as fund JB.net gatherings and such.
We've discussed that sort of thing, but the challenge is we don't want the hassle of tax returns, inventory, etc. We want to focus on running the site and keeping people happy and on the water! So we may set up a forum where members can sell forum swag, but it would be informal....
Damn Gov'ment...makes sense. You guys have really thought this out. Impressive.
Thanks for the transparency...I'm available to help in any way, monetarily or with my time. Just let me know.
The active membership and desire to fix what was broken made this dream come true. In the future, the direction of this board will, as it does now, have member input that is actually considered and taken seriously. While a profit could be turned into more improvements or otherwise, the risk of it controlling the board is something all of us would like to avoid. If in the future, it looks like "we"...(that is all of us, not just committee) could create funds to help with whatever it is that we all want to see, it sure can be discussed! But for now, just knowing there is knowledgable help out there is all that is necessary! Keep on posting, and that will help to build this sites library of knowledge into the help it has been elsewhere!
You are right filings for a none profit would be a full time job. I think a sales forum would be the way to go. You guys are doing an awesome job running this site! Keep up the great work....:winkingthumbsup"
Any change in the need for donations? Thanks for the site and the work you put into it.
Speaking of operating costs, I was wondering what the preferences are of the committee as to whether we upload photos to this site, or to use externally hosted photo sites such as photobucket?

The upside of uploading images here is that when someone searches for something five years from now, the images will still be in the thread (especially useful for how-tos, etc) instead of a broken link to a missing image or defunct photobucket account. The downside, of course, is that it's being hosted on the site and that will cost more. Storage isn't free (but is cheap), but bandwidth costs money too.

Hosting images/etc on external hosting sites makes the images "free" for this site, but we risk losing the content in the future.

What do y'all prefer? Upload "important" photos (i.e. how-tos and examples) here, and use photobucket for "fun" stuff?