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Made some face masks this morning. Problem is...they will not be covering the outside of my mouth long, before they cover the inside.

Knowing which lake this is, and how shallow it is, getting that type of bounce is impressive.

I did that a couple of years ago to an adult rider who challenged me ..... "go ahead give it your best shot...bet you can't throw me off". I wish I had video of it! I was seriously worried I'd really hurt him.....he thinks he cracked a rib. But he was a similar height in the air. All it took was some well timed looping back onto one's own wake with a decent speed on the swing out. That was my rider's last ride that day! Doubt he'll challenge me again....and if he does, I'll keep it to hard swings over small wakes vs cross backs to monster wakes.

FYI....the area I did it in was probably only 10 feet deep....that is all you need.
I did that a couple of years ago to an adult rider who challenged me ..... "go ahead give it your best shot...bet you can't throw me off". I wish I had video of it! I was seriously worried I'd really hurt him.....he thinks he cracked a rib. But he was a similar height in the air. All it took was some well timed looping back onto one's own wake with a decent speed on the swing out. That was my rider's last ride that day! Doubt he'll challenge me again....and if he does, I'll keep it to hard swings over small wakes vs cross backs to monster wakes.

FYI....the area I did it in was probably only 10 feet deep....that is all you need.

I did that to my cousins tweens last year on our I/O who gave me the same challenge. It's pretty easy with a properly inflated tube, a good slow circle to create some monster wakes, and the properly timed whip into said wakes... they didn't get as much height, but it was enough to make everyone on board laugh for quite a while.
Knowing which lake this is, and how shallow it is, getting that type of bounce is impressive.
Looks like Utah Lake, right? I've seen the video a few times.