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    free hit counter

Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

fishing dank meme.jpg
hitch.jpg just sayin.....lol
ho has dropped that one bolt or wrench......lolenginebay.jpg
image.jpeg MEME this:-)
britney dank meme.jpg

After seeing this posted here, I went in by one of our QC guys and noticed he had a coil spring like this sitting on his desk. So I set it around the corner and said the magic phrase.

He asked "How do you live with yourself?"
After seeing this posted here, I went in by one of our QC guys and noticed he had a coil spring like this sitting on his desk. So I set it around the corner and said the magic phrase.

He asked "How do you live with yourself?"

Because thy title is engineer!
Found Waldo!


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turn back your clocks.jpg
Most probable reason for evolution
