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Looking at the underside of an 06 chevy duramax 4x4. Replacing ball joints and tie rod ends yesterday. I have had this press tool kit for 25+ years.


It has worked well to remove and install ball joints since. A couple of shots while in use.

Removing the upper ball joint.


I had to use a different tool to remove the lower ball joint. The press does not work for those. But a big Hammer does. I hammered the crap out of the old one. I think I need a bigger hammer. But it finally came out. I must be getting old, I don't swing a hammer like I used to. This one took me a while to remove. A couple of missed swings, but nothing a file could'nt fix.


I hammered on it pretty hard. New vs. old.


Putting the new ball joints in. Lower.



The upper was a lot easier than the lower to do. Anyway it is all back together now.
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Anyone want to go In half lol? This is Richard Scrushy’s previous mansion on Lake Martin. Geez

See what I found on [HASH=5726]#Zillow[/HASH]!
@haknslash Well..... I can cover the 500k on a loan if you manage the rest we are GTG. Perhaps we could get 50 people to go in like a timeshare for 200k each and talk him down a bit :)
Looking at the underside of an 06 chevy duramax 4x4. Replacing ball joints and tie rod ends yesterday. I have had this press tool kit for 25+ years.

View attachment 146939

It has worked well to remove and install ball joints since. A couple of shots while in use.

Removing the upper ball joint.
View attachment 146930

View attachment 146931

I had to use a different tool to remove the lower ball joint. The press does not work for those. But a big Hammer does. I hammered the crap out of the old one. I think I need a bigger hammer. But it finally came out. I must be getting old, I don't swing a hammer like I used to. This one took me a while to remove. A couple of missed swings, but nothing a file could'nt fix.

View attachment 146932

I hammered on it pretty hard. New vs. old.

View attachment 146937

Putting the new ball joints in. Lower.

View attachment 146935

View attachment 146936

The upper was a lot easier than the lower to do. Anyway it is all back together now.

How long before working out your frustrations towards others turned into "this sonofabitchinemmereffingrazzafrazzin..."? Never had one of those go nicely, and that's one of the few things I won't request a shop helper (wife character). Better for the marriage that way.
Me and my new car
of the future. This was the first one I’ve seen up close, as I took a pic of it the owner walked up and offered to take one with me in it, made my day.
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Anyone coming near those carts is going to be chased...
At least it is not a pan handler with a sign. I bet it gets a lot of free food. Put an egg or two under it and it may get more.
Took the new fifth wheel on its madden voyage for spring break last weekend.
...Sure it was 10 minutes down the road, but we had a good time for a few of days. Had a nice vista right outside the door.
Partook in a few glorious sunsets.

Brought the boat down with wifey's new truck and did a little pre-season prep on the trailer re-carpeting the front bunks.
Of course we took a couple rides. I wasn't quite desperate enough to get in the water though. The weather's looking better next weekend.
How long before working out your frustrations towards others turned into "this sonofabitchinemmereffingrazzafrazzin..."? Never had one of those go nicely, and that's one of the few things I won't request a shop helper (wife character). Better for the marriage that way.

Ya, I had some pent up frustrations from the other side. Swinging that hammer for as long as I did, at first you get pissed off and swing harder and a half an hour later you see it has moved and you keep swinging until it pops out. Good anger management therapy if you don't break the hammer.
just wrenching mah sled
