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The Vaccine

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hat SC decision gave 1 state the power to enforce vaccines. It did not give the federal govt. that power.

Respectfully, I do not understand this comment. The Supreme Court does not give the federal government powers. The U.S Constitution gives Congress the power to pass laws. These laws can give federal agencies the authority to create regulations based on the laws. If someone objects to a law (or regulation based on the law) they can seek relief in a federal court. Based on the lower court's verdict, there is a chance the case might be heard in an Appelate court or the Supreme Court. Even when a court does rule that something is unconstitutional, it is usually within the narrow scope of a case and not an overall ruling on a law.

Thinking about vaccinations and mandates I had an interesting experience with them last year.

My, at the time, 11 year old son, who is high risk for CoVID, was learning at home along with my daughter. He did not enter the school at all for the entirety of the 2020 to 2021 school year. He received good grades and tested at the top of his class on standardized tests when he returned this year.

We received a letter from the school in late 2020 stating that he would be expelled if he did not have a meningitis and tetanus vaccination in the next 30 days. I was surprised by this since he was not around other students or school staff at all.

But guess what, it is state law that he had to have the vaccines or apply for a narrow range of exceptions. https://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/Files/20210104123234_ADE_302_Immunizations.pdf
So we are splitting hairs I guess. For those who can qualify for a medical and religious exception - otherwise there is no exception. Corporations have been emboldened by mandates and direction coming from the Federal level - religious exceptions that were a pretty liberal exception in the past is now being scrutinized at a whole new level from what I'm hearing.

I think the religious exemption is getting tougher as some folks are making a mockery of the religion exemption. Some folks are going to on-line "church" businesses to buy a religious exemption, when the religious exemption truly isn't warranted. This might be driving a push to make sure religious exemption are sincere.

Are there any mainstream religious groups that have come out against the covid-19 vaccine?

Huh...from the horse's mouth. "As your President, I’m announcing tonight a new plan to require more Americans to be vaccinated, to combat those blocking public health".

Once again, your assertions are not backed up by facts.

I thought we didn't take politicians at their word?
I think the religious exemption is getting tougher as some folks are making a mockery of the religion exemption. Some folks are going to on-line "church" businesses to buy a religious exemption, when the religious exemption truly isn't warranted. This might be driving a push to make sure religious exemption are sincere.

Are there any mainstream religious groups that have come out against the covid-19 vaccine?

I think scientology is against them....heck, I think they are anti medical intervention completely (until someone gets really sick....then they "convert" to something else!)
Can we get a quick summary of the video? I'm all for written arguments, and external sources, but I'm not a big video watcher except for leisure.

I'll say, based on the title alone, that life jackets already are mandatory for kids under 13 in thr US. We have less than 4000 deaths a year in the US due to drownings. And nobody drowning en mass is taking away hospital beds from others with non preventable needs.

(Although life jackets can also be removed in theory without long term effects to your internal organs.. But who knows if long term exclosure to nylon or neoprene cause adverse effects? Not sure of any studies on the topic, never looked for them)

Perhaps we can invent a vaccine that makes you not drown and we can madate that? (Just kidding.... sure)
It’s a live action recreation of this thread.
While the preprint always appeared to be wildly inaccurate when compared to other data sources it is good that it now has been officially withdrawn.

Looks like employees banded together and essentially shut down SouthWest to protest vaccine mandates. Not a lot of information it seems they are trying to keep it under wraps.
That Pilots Union statement looks to be a Baghdad Bob moment. Fascinating that these weather and traffic control anomalies seemed to only affect Southwest.
While the preprint always appeared to be wildly inaccurate when compared to other data sources it is good that it now has been officially withdrawn.

oopsies? ?‍♂️
That Pilots Union statement looks to be a Baghdad Bob moment. Fascinating that these weather and traffic control anomalies seemed to only affect Southwest.

IDK the weather was pretty shitty here yesterday. Like 95 degrees of pure sunshine and no wind or cloud cover. Wait that's bad for a football game not flying.
In other news, the NY Times also jumps on the "math is hard" bandwagon, massively inflating child hospitalizations due to Covid in an article discussing the increased risk of Myocarditis in children following the second dose.

In other news, the NY Times also jumps on the "math is hard" bandwagon, massively inflating child hospitalizations due to Covid in an article discussing the increased risk of Myocarditis in children following the second dose.

The NYT is pretty good about correcting mistakes they make. They are also good at segmenting and labeling what is commentary vs News.

Last nights 60 Minutes on Deep Fakes was good - will be interesting to see how/what the government does about it. Also the implications from a "talent" perspective are fascinating.....one could create the "perfect" anchor - or even have the viewer chose the anchor they'd like to deliver the news! Bring back Walter Cronkite! LOL
The NYT is pretty good about correcting mistakes they make. They are also good at segmenting and labeling what is commentary vs News.

Last nights 60 Minutes on Deep Fakes was good - will be interesting to see how/what the government does about it. Also the implications from a "talent" perspective are fascinating.....one could create the "perfect" anchor - or even have the viewer chose the anchor they'd like to deliver the news! Bring back Walter Cronkite! LOL
I need a deep fake to show me working diligently at my desk on Zoom calls while I'm actually out on my boat next spring.
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