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(its from a Brazilian site similar to the Onion)
Pretty cool. The rays around here are not as big but they still try to jump. They only reach 8" at most but they scare the heck out of me when I'm on a PWC running full speed and they jump up in front if me!

The video reminds me of fish evolving into birds. Neat stuff!
Pretty cool. The rays around here are not as big but they still try to jump. They only reach 8" at most but they scare the heck out of me when I'm on a PWC running full speed and they jump up in front if me!

The video reminds me of fish evolving into birds. Neat stuff!
Yeah....I've seen Rays break the surface some, but never go that high! Reminded me of the videos of the Asian carp in the midwest....imagine driving along and hitting one of these! Thats gonna smart!
More aviation...challenges...part of the job. Kinda like landing a yamaha jet boat on the trailer in a 35 mph crosswind!
Pucker. factor X 1,000. There's a great backstory.

Apparently a malfunction led to this and the pilot (with balls of steel) held it together and rode it out.

@Julian. I try to never let facts get in the way of a good story ;)