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Very cool drone footage....

Here's one that anyone with kids should play them!!!! FUNNY!!!

That video is flawed. He failed to instruct his kids that there is only one correct way to mount the roll. It's parenting like this that leads to kids that think it's ok to mount TP with the paper rolling off inside (down the wall) rather than over the top. ;)
Its long...but you can move ahead when you see the progression....hopefully something that none of use get ourselves into...but we did have one long saga about a grounded boat on the old board....

That video is flawed. He failed to instruct his kids that there is only one correct way to mount the roll. It's parenting like this that leads to kids that think it's ok to mount TP with the paper rolling off inside (down the wall) rather than over the top. ;)
You're right @itsdgm. Over the top is the only way to go. I still can't get that through to my wife. I wish the TP rolls came with a big arrow showing the correct rotation. :)
Amazing that no one was hurt in this crash!

"On a day of unfortunate accidents, here's a reminder that the racing gods aren't always cruel: These spectators and competitors at the Jolly Rally Valle d'Aosta, a national rally in Italy, all escaped serious injury, although we're not sure how."
Wow @Julian. Sometimes it is truly better to be lucky than good!!!
Wellllllllllllllll ............ This is a repeat from only today by me.
But it really makes ya think about what pilots like Mel haveta go through and come out of, safely !
Opened my eyes ...... wide ! Enjoy ! Mikey Lulejian - Lake Oconee, GA

@Murf'n'surf yea I noticed the article I posted didn't reference the wet sound equipment. I found this on the wet sounds facebook page and the jeep was all done with wetsounds.
This was the jeep that rear ended the Ferrari.

It's awesome to see them moving outside of the water world.
