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The 161 foot TRINITY ROCKSTAR yacht damage (shown in the photo above) is detailed herein by Yachting magazine:
The incident ocurred @ at the Broad Causeway drawbridge in South Florida.

First: Here is the write up:

AND ........ You can also see a VIDEO news report of this courtesy of youtube herein:

Merry Christmas to all ! Mikey Lulejian - Lake Oconee, GA
Bad day for the crane operator!

"What Happened?"
"I don't know"

Uh.....you went beyond the limit of your cranes distance and weight limit....
The crane video has been disabled by the video owner:(
You can click on the link in the middle of the screen and play it on Youtube....let me know if you can't.
WORKS like a champ, Julian - Many Thanks for sending. My folks on Facebook loved this also ! Mikey Lulejian - Lake Oconee, GA
Here's some pretty nice backyard engineering.

You can tell that they've done that move before! Bravo.
I know it's an add but it's pretty awesome to see a kid with a dream.

@Britboater . So MANY MANY Thanks !
Wonderful sharing. Glad you posted this so all of us could enjoy it !
And @itsdgm ........ Yours was Extra special as well - Better than most any "ad" I've ever seen !
Merry Christmas, Mikey Lulejian

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EXCELLENT find, @Julian !
Thanks ! Mikey Lulejian - Lake Oconee, GA
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